AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem (2007)
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AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Goodison County - Population: lol
A great take on the classic tagline from Ridley's Alien but this is all that this film has to offer. Yeah! We get it. Alien, Aliens & Predator were great films, inconic and cult classics in everyway, but do they have to feel the need to reference them in almost every single scene? Apparently, they do! The Strausse ha... read more
Requiem for a Franchise?
Completely predictable from the first minute of film, as soon as the characters are introduced to us, we already know who is going to live and who is going to die.
Not to mention the indcrediblly stupid and cliche catch phrases that... read more

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" AVP: Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is a direct sequel to the 2004 crossover film Alien Vs. Predator. The AVP sequel is the sixth film in the Alien franchise, the fourth film in the Predator franchise, andâfor reasons apparent after viewingâthe second and final film in the Alien Vs. Predator series. In AVPR, a Predator spaceship crashes near Gunnison, Colorado, and a Predator-Alien hybrid known as a Predalien escapes to a small town and causes havoc. Although AVPRâs R rating is a retur"

" 78 confirmed deaths 23 male 8 female 42 unknown people 4 Predators 1 Predalien Running time: 101 mins Number of kills: 78 Kills per average: 1.29 mins Coolest death: Jesse, who was killed by a shuriken. Honourable mention: Dale and his melty face Lamest death: Unnamed hospital corpses Survivors: Molly OâBrien, Kelly OâBrien, Dallas Howard, and Colonel Stevens"

" "The world isn't ready for this technology." "But this isn't for our world, is it, Ms. Yutani?" Directed by Colin Strause and Greg Strause Written by Shane Salerno Music by Brian Tyler Cinematography by Daniel Pearl Editing by Dan Zimmerman"

"12.8. Disney+ Erityisen tarpeellisessa jatko-osassa ei sen enempÀÀ tolkkua ole. Veren mÀÀrÀstÀ pÀÀtellen tÀmÀ ei enÀÀ ollut lapsille suunnattu. Toimintakohtauksista saa silti vain marginaalisesti paremmin selvÀÀ. Möröt tappelevat nyt jossain pikkukaupungissa EtelÀmantereella olevan viemÀriputken sijaan, mutta jopa hÀmmentÀvÀsti elokuva ei saa niin mitÀÀn hyötyÀ tÀstÀ irti. Hukkaan menee tÀssÀkin parit hyvÀt naurut. Yli-ikÀisillÀ teineillÀ on myös murheita. Ne k"

"The sequel to a semi passable action flick which surprisingly tried way harder than anyone would expect, I didn't like that one either as a kid but I still liked a few moments from it, this sequel was a complete snorefest which I had to watch twice because I fell asleep the first time. Poorly produced and poorly directed piece of shit which killed its franchise for ever, I don't even want to check out its source material now, even if its much different and better as people say. Try to understand"