The Tale of The Princess Kaguya (2013) (Kaguyahime no monogatari)
list by Manling

The Tale of The Princess Kaguya (2013) Videos
118 Views, 2 votes
Added 11 years ago
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"2014 NOMINEE - Studio Ghibli - Isao Takahata/Yoshiaki Nishimura"

"I watched it twice not because it's amazing or anything just because it never left an impression the first time. Also I couldn't really get it. It is too fictional that it didn't touch any part of me. It was a calm movie, moving slow or fast. I really couldn't judge, literally didn't leave any impression even the second time :D"

"4.1. 2020 A mysterious princess with a suspicious background isn't satisfied with her life at all and she would rather be an ordinary girl who plays with her friends and enjoys wonders of nature. There's nothing especially suprising about this story but it's a very old one so I guess it doesn't really matter. It's very impressive how hand-drawn animation creates sort of magical atmosphere. Some CGI animations can only dream about being as beautiful as this film."

"20.1. Prinsessa Kaguyan tarina on niin monella tasolla kaunis elokuva. Perustuen japanilaiseen kansantaruun pelkästään juonellisella tasolla tarina on upea. Hahmoja käsitellään upeasti, sillä jokaisella pienemmälläkin sivuhahmolla tuntuu olevan oma vaikutuksensa tarinan kulkuun ja muiden hahmojen elämään. Esimerkiksi yhden, spoiler spoiler, kilpakosijan kuolemaakin jäädään käsittelemään aidosti, eikä tunteita vain lakaista mattojen alle. Kaiken kukkuraksi elokuva vielä näy"