Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (복수는 나의 것 - Boksuneun Naui Geot) (2002)
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Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance Videos
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Revenge Was Never This Sweet.
This is the story of Ryu, a deaf man, and his sister, who requires a kidney transplant. Ryu's boss, Park, has just laid him off, and in order to afford the transplant, Ryu and his girlfriend develop a plan to kidnap Park's daughter. Things go horribly wrong, and the situation spirals rapidly into a cycle of violence... read more
A very good movie

Update feed

" "I know you're a good guy... but you know why I have to kill you..." Written by Park Chan-wook, Mu-yeong Lee, Jae-sun Lee and Jong-yong Lee Music by Hyeon-jin Baek, Young-gyu Jang and Byung-hoon Lee Cinematography by Byeong-il Kim Editing by Jae-beom Kim and Kim Sang-beom"
“(Blu) Park , in his firts 'vengenace' film, is linnear but as artificial and obscure as after. The sister and the girlfirnd of hot deaf and mute greenhaired Ryu are lookalije so you can suffer a confusion that makes everything more obscure; but the secuences in the river and Ryu taing his dead girlfriend hand....” read more

" "I know you're a good guy... but you know why I have to kill you..." Directed by Park Chan-wook Written by Park Chan-wook, Mu-yeong Lee, Jae-sun Lee and Jong-yong Lee Music by Hyeon-jin Baek, Young-gyu Jang and Byung-hoon Lee Cinematography by Byeong-il Kim Editing by Jae-beom Kim and Kim Sang-beom"

" First Viewing Viewing Date: November 16th Via: Blu-ray Plot: A recently laid off factory worker kidnaps his former boss' friend's daughter, hoping to use the ransom money to pay for his sister's kidney transplant. Rating: 7.6/10"

"31.8. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Jokin aika sitten muistin, etten jostain syystä saanut aikaiseksi katsottua kolmatta osaa, kun oli tarkoitus uusintkatsella Kostotrilogia, mutta suunnitellusti suht lähekkäin. Tästä olikin kymmenen vuotta, joten ei tuntunut mielekkäältä enää katsoa yksinään kolmatta osaa. Samalla hyvä syy formaatin päivitykselle. Itse asiassa vähän yllätyin, kuinka en avausosasta vieläkään löydä sijaa moitteelle. Ilmaisutyyli pitkillä otoilla ja hiljaisella"

" Directed by: Chan-wook Park Produced by: Lee Jae-sun, Lee Kang-bok, Lim Jin-gyu, and Dong-jun Seok Written by: Chan-wook Park, Mu-yeong Lee, Jae-sun Lee, and Jong-yong Lee Cinematography: Harry B.I. Kim Edited by: Kim Sang-bum and Kim Jae-beom Music by: Jang Young-gyu, Lee Byung-hoon, and Baek Hyun-jin Distributed by: CJ Entertainment and Show Box Entertainment"

" Directed by: Chan-wook Park Produced by: Lee Jae-sun, Lee Kang-bok, Lim Jin-gyu, and Dong-jun Seok Written by: Chan-wook Park, Mu-yeong Lee, Jae-sun Lee, and Jong-yong Lee Cinematography: Harry B.I. Kim Edited by: Kim Sang-bum and Kim Jae-beom Music by: Jang Young-gyu, Lee Byung-hoon, and Baek Hyun-jin Distributed by: CJ Entertainment and Show Box Entertainment "

"Re-watch - May 31st I had several films still left that I needed to watch before they left, and the majority of them were films I hadn't seen before. However, my rating for this film was previously a 4/10, and given my love for Chan-wook Park I felt I should give it another chance rather than skip it because I had a feeling my rating was wrong. If I recall correctly, the first time I watched it I could barely stay awake & I found at least one aspect especially ludicrous, which led to th"

"Koska en tiedä mistään mitään ja olen vissiin muutenkin aika vittumainen tyyppi, niin päätin katsoa krapulassa "keskinkertaista" korealaista. Nimimerkki kurkkuharja soitti minulle tämän kokemuksen aikana. Minulle jäi vähän epäselväksi, että kantaako hän kaunaa jostain menneestä minulle?"