Santa Sangre (1989)
list by diabolical dr voodoo
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"7.6. Teatteri Alejandro Jodorowskyn keskeisistä se helppo elokuva vaatii sekin jonkin verran sulattelua. Yltäkylläisen karnivalistinen ilmaisu ottaa jännästi ja luontevasti giallostakin vaikutteita sekä omaa melko tavanomaisesti kulkevan juonenkin. Mielenterveysongelmat saavat poikkeuksellista ymmärrystä ja kantaja teoistaan huolimatta myötätuntoa."
"Strange, strange happenings. Freaks meets Dario Argento is the only way I can think to describe it."
"2.4. This film gets better and better every time I watch it. "
" Date: 10/28/2021 Viewed: 4K UHD Re-Watch Note: I recently purchased the 4K UHD release of Santa Sangre from Severin Films and have waited for the right opportunity to watch it. I remember watching Santa Sangre for the first time when I was 18, and I remember really enjoying it. I love this movie even more now that I've seen it again. Although I prefer Alejandro Jodorowsky's other films such as El Topo (1970) and The Holy Mountain (1973), I still think Santa Sangre is a fantastic film. I ado"
"February 20th Directed by: Alejandro Jodorowsky 2nd Viewing Previous Rating: 4 After: 4"
"Directed by: Alejandro Jodorowsky A former circus artist escapes from a mental hospital to rejoin his armless mother - the leader of a strange religious cult - and is forced to enact brutal murders in her name as he becomes "her arms"."
"Oh, fuck it, I'll do Santa Sangre, too. Santa Sangre (Holy Blood) is the least insane of the Jodorowsky films, but is still pretty batshit crazy. It is also has all of the tropes and symbols one would expect after watching El Topo and the Holy Mountain. Watch Santa Sangre and see if you can spot them all! The Christ-like character is just one of them!"