Menace II Society (1993)
list by Severin Severin

list by johanlefourbe

list by Severin Severin

list by SwornShadow

list by Miika

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A very good movie

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" After growing up in the gang lifestyle of the Los Angeles projects, 18-year-old Caine Lawson hwants a way out. Everyone around him, including his unpredictable friend O-Dog, is trapped in their lives of crime and violence. With the help of his caring teacher and supportive girlfriend, Caine plans to leave the city for good. But in a series of tragic events, Caine realizes that escape will not be easy. Stark, gritty, and bleak, critics declared it to be a very realistic look at the struggl"

" Director: Albert & Allen Hughes Their 1st Movie My 3rd movie watched from the directors Added to Lists: The Landscape of LA, USA Talented Black Directors that should have had a long career The Best Movies of THE Time - 1990s __________ Location: Watts - Los Angeles, CA"

" Notes: There are so many Hood movies, especially released back then in the 90's, and most of them are actually rather forgettable. However, there are a few exceptions and this movie is definitely one of them. Indeed, it turned out to be a great and heartbreaking movie and, in my opinion, it was even slightly better than 'Boyz n the hood' which is probably the most famous movie in this genre. I mean, both movies are really good and eventually 'Boyz n the hood' got a lot of attention whereas thi"

" Notes: There are so many Hood movies, especially released back then in the 90's, and most of them are actually rather forgettable. However, there are a few exceptions and this movie is definitely one of them. Indeed, it turned out to be a great and heartbreaking movie and, in my opinion, it was even slightly better than 'Boyz n the hood' which is probably the most famous movie in this genre. I mean, both movies are really good and eventually 'Boyz n the hood' got a lot of attention whereas thi"

"First viewing - Sept. 12th OK, so I kinda ruined the opening of this film for myself because I've seen Don't Be a Menace to South Central... too many times. But I tried really hard to forget that film as this one continued moving forward. The story is grounded in reality, one that we often don't want to hear. The acting is good all around, and I was mostly entertained. I found the narration to be a bit much though, and the bleakness of the film makes it one that I wouldn't want to sit through a"

" Date: 11/10/2019 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-watch Note: I haven't seen this movie in ages and it still holds up. I still think the themes of the story in the movie are pretty relevant in today's world. The movie has a great cast of characters and very good acting in my opinion. You really feel and care about everyone in this movie. If you haven't seen this movie before, do it now. "

" Directed by: Albert Hughes and Allen Hughes Produced by: Darin Scott, Tyger Williams, Albert Hughes, and Allen Hughes Written by: Tyger Williams, Albert Hughes, and Allen Hughes Cinematography: Lisa Rinzler Edited by: Christopher Koefodd Music by: Quincy Jones III Distributed by: New Line Cinema"

" Director: Albert & Allen Hughes Their 1st Movie My 3rd movie watched from the directors Added to Lists: The Landscape of LA, USA Talented Black Directors that should have had a long career The Best Movies of THE Time - 1990s __________ Location: Watts - Los Angeles, CA"

"12th of June, DVD Boyz n the Hood oli koskettava kuvaus kolmen nuoren aikuistumisesta ja ghettoelämän jättämisestä taakse. Menace II Society on puolestaan inhorealistinen kuvaus niistä nuorista, joille on jo lapsesta pitäen opetettu ampumaan aseella ja pärjäämään kovassa maailmassa. Päähenkilö Cainella ei ole yhtään uskoa tulevaan saati omaa henkiinjäämistään kohtaan, kunnes on jo liian myöhäistä. Tyrin Turnerin roolisuoritus Cainena on yksi vahvimmista roolisuorituksist"