The Last House on the Left (1972)
list by diabolical dr voodoo
list by Xanadon't
list by SwornShadow
list by Mackenzi
list by Hexenkult
The Last House on the Left Videos
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Dated and uneven, yet historically important
Every filmmaker has to start somewhere. During the 1980s, Wes Craven and Sean S. Cunningham separately developed two of the most lucrative long-running horror franchises in cinematic history: A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Friday the 13th, respectively. Yet, the ... read more
The Last House on the Left
An average movie
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"This is one mean bastard of a film and really not good enough to recommend to most viewers."
"If The Last House on the Left is your favorite movie....You are one sadistic individual, to be sure, and like your horror 70's-esque, grindhouse and gritty to the nth degree. So, take a seat on that couch, and tell me, where did the darkness begin to develop for you, and when did you foster a deep-seated hatred for humanity? "
" Date: 10/18/2021 Viewed: Blu-Ray (Arrow Video) Re-Watch Note: For a while, I'd wanted to rewatch the original Last House on the Left, and I decided that this month would be the perfect time to do so as part of my 31 Days of Horror. I wasn't a big fan of The Last House on the Left when I first saw it as a teenager. The more I watch this film, the more I enjoy it. The Last House on the Left is my second favorite Wes Craven movie next to the original Nightmare on Elm Street. The story's raw an"
"21.8. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Hullun vahva ja hirvittÀvÀ aikansa kuvajainen. MerkittÀviltÀ osin tÀysin epÀsopivat David Hessin pehmeÀt laulut korostavat satunnaisen jÀrjettömÀn vÀkivallan tÀyttÀ jÀrjettömyyttÀ. And the road leads to nowhere jÀÀ pahasti pÀÀhÀn soimaan, eikÀ tunne ole mukava, kun sen yhdistÀÀ juuri nÀkemÀÀnsÀ kuvastoon. Lohduton ja koetteleva, mutta kun mukaan on lÀhtenyt, on mahdotonta irroittaa, vaikka vÀlillÀ voi vÀhÀn pahaa tehdÀ. Hassut tun"
"Krug Stillo, Fred Podowsk & Sadie. Sadie: "Did I do good? Tell me I did good!" Sadie: "I think he's dying now. What do you think he's seeing?" Krug: "Something he'll never see again.""