In the Heat of the Night (1967)
list by upidipi

list by ToonHead2102

list by Rossjm

In the Heat of the Night Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Provocative mystery...
In the Heat of the Night is a genuine classic and one of the greatest films of the 1960s. The film is a provocative, enthralling mystery thriller that is atmospheric and entertaining.
The years have not dissipated the film's original impact in the slightest. The racial issues conveyed through the discriminatory characters are exact. At th... read more
"They call me MISTER Tibbs!"
A classic

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" "Now listen, hear me good mama. Please. Don't make me have to send you to jail... There's white time in jail and there's colored time in jail. The worst kind of time you can do is colored time." Directed by Norman Jewison Written by Stirling Silliphant Music by Quincy Jones Cinematography by Haskell Wexler Editing by Hal Ashby"

"Taas yksi leffa katsottu kaanonbacklogista. Ymmärrän elokuvan paikan historiallisesti tärkeänä kantaanottavana teoksena, mutta ihan puhtaasti elokuvana arvioiden In the Heat of the Night ei ole lopulta mikään kovin ihmeellinen tapaus. Rasismiteemaa käsitellään asiaankuuluvan suorapuheisesti, mutta toki myös varsin mustavalkoisesti (pardon the pun). Poitierin ja Steigerin roolityöt ja henkilöiden väliset dynamiikat ovat elokuvan ehdoton suola, itse tarinan ollessa varsin rutiininoma"