Doctor Zhivago (1965)
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Doctor Zhivago Videos
81 Views, 1 votes
Added 8 years ago
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For me, the problems crop up when the movie becomes less of an epic scope and more of a personal romantic tale, detailing the relation... read more
Incredibly Boring
I was very eager to check it out because one of my favourite countries is Russia/Soviet Union, but sadly this film brought out the worst ... read more
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" 2020: 307 2019: 302 2018: 298 2017: 292 2016: 290 2015: 286 2014: 285 2013: 286 2012: 284 2011: 280 2010: 279 2009: 275 2008: 271 2007: 270 2006: 282 "
" 2019: 302 2018: 298 2017: 292 2016: 290 2015: 286 2014: 285 2013: 286 2012: 284 2011: 280 2010: 279 2009: 275 2008: 271 2007: 270 2006: 282 "
" 2018: 298 2017: 292 2016: 290 2015: 286 2014: 285 2013: 286 2012: 284 2011: 280 2010: 279 2009: 275 2008: 271 2007: 270 2006: 282 "
" 2017: 292 2016: 290 2015: 286 2014: 285 2013: 286 2012: 284 2011: 280 2010: 279 2009: 275 2008: 271 2007: 270 2006: 282 "
“Siendo del director de Lawrence de Arabia, Doctor Zhivago es una épica sobre la vida y obra de un doctor que vive las tragedias que asolaron Rusia an”
“Siendo del director de Lawrence de Arabia, Doctor Zhivago es una épica sobre la vida y obra de un doctor que vive las tragedias que asolaron Rusia an”
“Siendo del director de Lawrence de Arabia, Doctor Zhivago es una épica sobre la vida y obra de un doctor que vive las tragedias que asolaron Rusia an”
“Siendo del director de Lawrence de Arabia, Doctor Zhivago es una épica sobre la vida y obra de un doctor que vive las tragedias que asolaron Rusia anterior a la primera guerra mundial hasta la posguerra. Es una película muy lineal en términos de trama, con una calidad de documentación histórica muy detallada e interesante. Está basada en una novela que fue prohibida en la Unión Soviética por décadas, y sabemos que por estos años se desarrollaba la guerra fría, así que material que pudiera tener una posición anti-comunista, material abrazado y promovido desde el bloque occidental. No se debe olvidar que otras producciones como Rebelión en la Granja eran financiadas por la CIA para darle mala imagen a ese ente. Yo no tengo muy buena opinión de la URSS, pero tampoco soy dado a ” read more
"If Doctor Zhivago is your favorite movie...You have read a few Russian novels, maybe Dosteovsky, maybe Bulgakov, maybe Tolstoy, maybe Gogol (maybe not). But, more importantly, you are a sucker for a grand love story, mixed in with sweeping and epic history and wonderful snowy and often-times verdant landscapes. You feel the romanticism of war, and duty; of love, and connection; of pain, and loss; and redemption, and fate. "
" Points: 15 Chosen by: El Zumbador (2), Bullying (7), Ottemg (6) Previous rank: it wasn't selected IMDB top 250 rank: not included"
" 2016: 290 2015: 286 2014: 285 2013: 286 2012: 284 2011: 280 2010: 279 2009: 275 2008: 271 2007: 270 2006: 282 "
" 2015: 286 2014: 285 2013: 286 2012: 284 2011: 280 2010: 279 2009: 275 2008: 271 2007: 270 2006: 282 "
" Notes: To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this flick but since it was directed by the great David Lean, I thought I should give it a chance. Honestly, I can think of a 1000’s reasons why I shouldn’t have liked this flick. Indeed, it is way too much over-sentimental for my taste, the whole thing was far from being historically accurate and I could go on and on. Still, I really liked it though. I have to admit I haven’t read the book so I don’t know if it was a faithful adaptat"
" Notes: To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this flick but since it was directed by the great David Lean, I thought I should give it a chance. Honestly, I can think of a 1000’s reasons why I shouldn’t have liked this flick. Indeed, it is way too much over-sentimental for my taste, the whole thing was far from being historically accurate and I could go on and on. Still, I really liked it though. I have to admit I haven’t read the book so I don’t know if it was a faithful adaptat"
" 2014: 285 2013: 286 2012: 284 2011: 280 2010: 279 2009: 275 2008: 271 2007: 270 2006: 282 "