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Daylight Videos
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Underrated... Deserves far more attention.
By the time Daylight entered multiplexes in 1996, Sylvester Stallone was a fading star. Following the success of Cliffhanger and Demolition Man in 1993, Sly featured in a string of less-than-stellar movies and his career appeared to be running out of steam. Daylight is one of Stallone's late-'90s attempts to erase his tough guy image, expand his horizons... read more
An underrated movie
UPC: 025192045226

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" Trouble strikes when runaway robbers in a getaway car hit truck full of explosives in the tunnel connecting Manhattan and New Jersey. Survivors are left in a weakened tunnel blocked at both exits. As Kit Latura approaches the tunnel, he sees the impact and knows he gotta take action. With time running out, he enters the tunnel through a system of maintenance walkways. Can he get the survivors out before the tunnel fills up? The film, featured “Where There is Love” by Bruce Roberts and D"

" Starz- 1hr. 54min. First Viewing Daylight is fine. It never lives up to it's potential, more content to simply follow the disaster movie playbook than create some distinct, specific thrills, but it does what it does pretty well, at least at first. The thrills wain as it goes on, but the inciting explosion is expertly handled, and Stallone's entrance into the tunnel is claustrophobic and, surprisingly, terrifying (hell, the big-name cameo death is even pretty entertaining). Good or bad doesn't r"

"18.6. (HBO Nordic) Stallone toistaa osittain Cliffhangerin kaavaa, joka toimii hetkittäin. Mitään paniikkia ei tunnelissa koeta, koska kaikki puhaltavat yhteen hiileen. Neekeri uhrataan elokuvallisista syistä ja onneksi vanhan pariskunnan koira pelastuu."

"24.11. 80-luvun post-apocalypsestä karanneet yli-ikäiset punkkarinuoret varastavat auton ja kaahaavat sillä päin superjätettä kuljettavia rekkoja räjäyttäen kokonaisen tunnelin. Sylvester Stallonen pitää juosta tuulettimien läpi pelastamaan loukkuun jääneet. Mukana menossa on musta mies, joka uhrataan kesken matkan. Viggo Mortensen tutustuu läheisesti tunnelin sisäkaton kanssa. Romanssi suorastaan murskaa miehen."