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Cloverfield Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
I don't really like these 'camcorder-style' films, they generally just annoy me and tend to look amateurish. I hated the Blair Witch Project, for example. But I wa... read more
how crappy can it get
That said, the actors were lame. Lamer than I've ever seen in any movies - and I've watched a whole lot of them. They were lousier than B-movie actors, if that is possible.
The direction... was pathetic. Lousy. The camera was going all over the place, making it im... read more
Score based on feeling.
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" Date: 9/11/2021 Viewed: 4K UHD Re-Watch Note: I haven't seen Cloverfield since 2008, and I have been looking forward to rewatching it after I bought the 4K release at Target on sale. Cloverfield was a huge movie in 2007-2008 thanks to the brilliant marketing strategy. The trailer for Cloverfield came out of nowhere, and it was the first American giant monster movie that was made since Godzilla (1998). People had no idea what the movie was about and many people would dig for clues on Youtube. "
"5.10. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Parikymppiset hahmot ovat ärsyttäviä tyhmäpäitä, mutta uskottavia ja heidän elämiensä (viimehetkien) seuraaminen on kiinnostavaa. Pienet epäloogisuudet eivät häiritse. Helvetin iso hirviö tuhoaa kaiken, eikä kukaan tiedä, miksi saati mistä se on tullut. Armeijallakaan ei tällä kertaa ole tarjota ainuttakaan kenraalia tai tärkeää tutkijaa selittämään tapahtumia. Heiluva käsivaradigi -gimmick toimii, koska sille on perusteet ja operoija on m"
"Cloverfield may not depict any fields of clover in it but it is a movie that gets an extra point just for the surprise factor of how much I ended up enjoying it. I really didn't expect to like this as much as I did. I saw this flick with my brother-in-law, and remember that when the lights in the theater came on, we both looked at each with an expression of "Whoa" on our faces. As an adult, one of my absolute favorite things about going to the movies is when I see a film that brings back thos"
" Directed by: Matt Reeves Produced by: J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Sherryl Clark, and Guy Riedel Written by: Drew Goddard Cinematography: Michael Bonvillain Edited by: Kevin Stitt Music by: Michael Giacchino Distributed by: Paramount Pictures"