Chopping Mall (Killbots) (1986)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

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list by Ryan P.

list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz

list by Suspiria98

Chopping Mall Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
*I needed to watch something silly after seeing the very serious and tragic Patriots Day.
*There have been scenes I saw on youtube that make this look quite silly.
*It has a handful of names that horror fans and/or 80s fans would recognize that I wasn't expecting.
*This is the first I have seen from Jim Wynorski, but I have heard of some of his other stuff.
*As... read more
UPC: 012236161110

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" The film was test-screened under the title Killbots by its distributor, Concorde Pictures. After it performed poorly with test audiences, the film was re-titled Chopping Mall, and approximately 19 minutes were excised. In the years since its release, Chopping Mall has gone on to develop a cult following, and been subjected to film criticism for its perceived themes of human consumption and excess during the Reagan Era in the United States. The film, featured Mary Woronov and Paul Bartel repr"

" The film was test-screened under the title Killbots by its distributor, Concorde Pictures. After it performed poorly with test audiences, the film was re-titled Chopping Mall, and approximately 19 minutes were excised. In the years since its release, Chopping Mall has gone on to develop a cult following, and been subjected to film criticism for its perceived themes of human consumption and excess during the Reagan Era in the United States. The film, featured Mary Woronov and Paul Bartel repr"

"Watched on: Watched on: January 30th, 2024. A really great film. Not your typical slasher or monster flick from the 80's, but a bit of a Terminator-esque gorefest instead. Not bad at all, I enjoyed it and definitely recommend it!"

"The 1980s Guilty Pleasure Slasher Movies 2023 First Feature"

"Pros: The effects, especially the exploding heads! Sherman Oaks Galleria, as itâs setting. Kelli Malroney, is just plain adorable in the film. Paul Bartel and Mary Moronov The filmâs satirical humour. Dick Miller! Kill bots! Itâs a fun, under appreciated horror comedy."

" "It's not you, Ferdy. I guess I'm just not used to being chased around a mall in the middle of the night by killer robots." Directed by Jim Wynorski Written by Jim Wynorski and Steve Mitchell Music by Miles Goodman Cinematography by Tom Richmond Editing by Leslie Rosenthal"

" First Viewing Viewing Date: September 12th Via: Amazon Prime Plot: A group of young shopping mall employees stay behind for a late night party in one of the stores. When the mall goes on lock-down before they can get out, the robot security system malfunctions and goes on a killing spree. Rating: 5.7/10"

" Directed by: Jim Wynorski Produced by: Julie Corman Written by: Jim Wynorski and Steve Mitchell Cinematography: Tom Richmond Edited by: Leslie Rosenthal Music by: Chuck Cirino Distributed by: New Concord Pictures"

" Directed by: Jim Wynorski Produced by: Julie Corman Written by: Jim Wynorski and Steve Mitchell Cinematography: Tom Richmond Edited by: Leslie Rosenthal Music by: Chuck Cirino Distributed by: New Concord Pictures"

"14.1, PC Aluksi tämä on kämäisyydessään ihan hauskaa seurattavaa, mutta mitä pidemmälle elokuva etenee, sitä väsyneemmältä vitsiltä nuo laseria ampuvat, R2D2:n kaltaiset vartijarobotit tuntuvat. Onneksi kesto on olematon, sillä 77 minuuttia enempää tähän ei olisi viitsinytkään tuhlata."

"First viewing - Oct. 2nd So clearly Chopping Mall is by no means a great classic of the genre, but knowing Barbara Crampton was in it and having occasionally seen it spoken of positively I wanted to give it a chance. It's clearly a cheaply made B movie, and while that means some aspects (acting mainly) suck if you let its shortcomings slide a little there's plenty of fun to be had. Some of the stores in the mall have names that are references to other movies or people, which was a constant sour"