AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
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AVP: Alien vs. Predator Videos
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awesome movie
An average movie

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"5.1. rewatch Koen tÀmÀn melko camp-tyylisenÀ, enkÀ oikein osaa vihata tÀtÀ kuten moni tuntuu tekevÀn. Suoraviivainen, nykypÀivÀn standardeillakin ihan nÀyttÀvÀ rymistely. Miljöö toimii."

" Alien vs. Predator (stylized as AVP: Alien vs. Predator) is a 2004 science fiction action horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson, and starring Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, Lance Henriksen, Ewen Bremner, Colin Salmon, and Tommy Flanagan. It is the first film installment of the Alien vs. Predator franchise, the fifth film in the Alien franchise and third film of the Predator franchise, adapting a crossover bringing together the eponymous creatures of the Alien and Predator series,"

"Reason why the future sucks: Alien vs. Predator. Round one. Fight! Year it takes place: 2004ish."

" 32 confirmed deaths 18 men 8 women 6 Predator Running time: 110 mins Number of kills: 32 Kills per average: 3.41 mins Coolest death: Celtic Predator, who gets face chomped. Lamest death: Unnamed mercenary, who gets table slammed. Survivor: Alexa Woods"

"Rated: PG-13 Why itâs rated: Sci fi violence, Adult language, and Adult situations "

" "We have to consider the possibility that we might not make it out of here." Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson Written by Paul W.S. Anderson, Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett Music by Harald Kloser Cinematography by David Johnson Editing by Alexander Berner "

"29.7. Disney+ Paul W.S. Andersonin universaalisti rakastetulla ja kohtuullisen hÀmmentÀvÀn logiikan omaavalla mashupilla on periaatteessa hyvÀt edellytykset tyhmÀÀn paskaan. Se on kekseliÀs heitellessÀÀn hölmöjÀ ja hyödyntÀmÀttömiÀ ideoita, mutta siitÀ ei juuri selitetyintÀ kuviota enempÀÀ tajua. Toimintakohtaukset ovat niin tiuhaan ja ammattitaidottomasti leikattu, ettei pysy perÀssÀ. TÀhÀn voi toki vaikuttaa myös PG-13 -rajoitteet. Hahmot nyt oletetustikin ovat aivan"

" Date: 5/23/2021 Viewed: HBO Max Re-Watch Note: After rewatching Freddy vs. Jason and with the hype of Godzilla vs. Kong, I decided to give the first AVP movie another chance. I remember I was very hyped up for this film back in 2004 after waiting years for an Alien vs. Predator movie. I remember going on the web for the movie news before it was made. Even though the movie was PG-13, I still wanted to give it a chance. I actually like AVP when I first saw it and I watched it multiple times du"

"Not one but two big horor franchises hailed as masterpieces by practically everyone amongst different ages, Alien and Predator. Unlike the previous entry, I did watch the first Predator before this one, so I didn't want to watch it because someone told me to do so, but because I liked that one. As for Alien, I was never lucky to catch it on tv. First things first, I love the first Predator now, and I'd watched the first two Alien movies, and they are great. But I never revisited this crossover s"