Movies I Watched in January 2020
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Demon Haunt (2009)

Date: 1/1/2020
Viewed: TubiTV
First Viewing
Note: I decided to watch my first movie of the new decade with this movie because I have a soft spot for Ted V Mikels. This movie is terrible, but still very enjoyable. The movie can be unintentionally hilarious because the movie is filled with bad acting, awful computer-generated imagery, and poor production values. The movie came out in 2009, but it looks like it was released on VHS back in 1996. Even the cartoon show Reboot came out in 1994 and it has better looking animation than the CGI in this movie.
I found myself laughing during most of the movie because of the bad acting, writing, and special effects. I swear that I have seen porn with better acting and production values than this movie. The worst thing about the movie is the pacing. This movie feels like it goes on forever and the last act is a chore to sit through.
Overall, Demon Haunt is a fun bad movie that is worth watching with your friends. I'm surprise this movie is not on the new version of Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Netflix. This movie is perfect for that show.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 1/3/2020
Viewed: Blu-Ray (Red Box Rental)
First Viewing
Note: I decided to watch this movie after hearing great things about it from a friend of mine. I thought this movie would be kinda lame because I thought the trailer for this movie look underwhelming. This movie was surprisingly great. The movie has fantastic acting and wonderful cinematography. My favorite thing about the movie is the friendship with all of the characters. Destiny and the other female characters had wonderful personalities and you can really felt a connection with them. I also like how the movie shows how poisonous and corrosive the later half of the 2000s were and how everyone got screw over by the 2007-2008 market crash.
Overall, Hustlers was a total blast and I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 1/5/2020
Viewed: Hulu
First Viewing
Note: Thanks to The Giraffle for recommending this movie to me
I remember hearing about this movie in 2018, but I never had the chance to watch this movie until now. I went into this movie knowing about this movie, and I was completely blown away. This movie was fantastic from start to finish. I love the story and the characters that this movie has because you really feel a strong connection for them. This movie had me on the edge of my seat rooting for the characters and hoping that nothing bad will happen them.
The movie is filled with emotional sequences that will make you feel upset on what is going on in South Korea back in 1980. It's been 40 years since the Gwangju Uprising, and we still see similar riots in today's world. This movie reminds people on how tragic this event was in history. We can never forget about all the people who got hurt and killed during the Gwangju Uprising.
Overall, A Taxi Driver is a fantastic movie and I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Psycho Cop (1989)

Date: 1/8/2020
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First Viewing
Note: Oddly enough, I never saw this movie growing up. I did see the sequel on late night TV when I was a kid in the 90s, but not this movie. So I end up watching it on Amazon Prime and it was alright. The movie is reliance on jump scares and other horror clichés like the car not starting. Not to mention, the characters are paper-thin and the acting is pretty bad.
While this movie is not a good movie, I still find it to be pretty entertaining. The movie has some decent kills and the main villain has a pretty cool back story. I even found myself laughing on how corny the dialogue is at times. I do wish someone would restore this movie in 1080p quality because the picture quality for this movie (As of January 2020) looks pretty bad. The movie has several dark scenes where I have no idea what is going on.
Overall, Psycho Cop is an average movie. I only recommend this movie unless you're curious.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

The Border (1982)

Date: 1/9/2020
Viewed: DVD
First Viewing
Note: I decided to watch this movie after my aunt recommended it to me. I rarely see people talk about this movie compare to most movies with Jack Nicholson. So after watching this movie, I thought it was pretty solid.
The acting is very good and the atmosphere was nicely done. The movie is still pretty relevant in today's world and strange to think that people were dealing with issues going on at the Border back in 1982. I do think the movie also has a pretty good social commentary between decency and indecency as well. The message is spot on, and they did good job on handling it.
Overall, The Border is a good underrated movie that is worth checking out. I would give it a higher rating if the pacing was a bit better, and they got rid of some questionable character choices in the movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Underwater (2020)

Date: 1/11/2020
Viewed: Theaters
First Viewing
Note: I saw this movie in theaters today and it was surprisingly good. It feels pretty rare to get a mainstream creature feature that is not from the Syfy channel. This movie is not high art because the story is rather predictable and you can tell who is going to die in the movie. I still find the movie to be super fun to watch because I love the atmosphere in this movie. This movie does a great job on creating the feeling of being trapped underwater. I also like the special effects that they used in the movie as well. They did a great job on creating a giant monster that is both cool and scary looking.
Another good thing about this movie was the pacing. It didn't go by too quickly or didn't drag at all. Overall, Underwater is a fun movie that is worth checking out.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

American Mary (2013)

Date: 1/11/2020
Viewed: TubiTV
First Viewing
Note: I always wanted to check out this movie for the last several years, but I never saw it until now. I thought this movie was awesome from start to finish. The movie was super entertaining because the movie keeps on me on the edge of my seat. This movie is not some gore porn because you find yourself attach to the main character and you want to see her journey unfolds. I also like the special effects in this movie because the movie does not use any CG for the blood and gore. Not to mention, the movie also has a kick ass music soundtrack as well.
Overall, American Mary is a fun gory horror movie that is worth checking out.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Tremors (1990)

Date: 1/12/2020
Viewed: Netflix
Note: I decided to rewatch Tremors on Netflix for the 30th anniversary and it still holds up very well. The special effects are still awesome even after 30 years later because they didn't use any CG for the movie. The movie also has a great cast of memorable characters and funny humor. I can't think of one single dull moment because this movie is a non-stop thrill ride from start to finish. There's not much else I can say about this movie that has not been said before already. Go see Tremors if you haven't already.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Memories of Murder (2003)

Date: 1/13/2020
Viewed: DVD
Note: I have been in the mood to revisit this movie for a while now because I haven't seen it in over 10 years. This movie is still fantastic and I feel like the movie is better after multiple viewings. I love how the movie is paced pretty well because the movie does not drag or overstay its welcome. The story is filled with great moments that will have you on the edge of your seat. Even though this movie may not be a horror movie, it does feel like one at times because the movie has a haunting cinematography and disturbing scenes that can be rather gross at times.
The movie also has great characters and fantastic acting. All the characters in this movie are memorable and have great personalities to them. I still think about the characters in this movie even after 15 years since this movie came out. Not to mention, the ending for this movie is very iconic that will leave an imprint in your brain for many years.
Overall, Memories of Murder is a fantastic movie and I highly recommend this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Final Cut (2019)
No Picture
Date: 1/14/2020
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First viewing
Note: I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this movie to be honest. I decided to watch it on Amazon Prime because it was short and it looks kinda cool. This movie starts off as a cliché slasher movie that is trying to be meta with unlikable characters and bad acting. The movie throws everyone off guard with the plot twist at the end of the movie. I don't want to spoil anyone else with this movie because the twist is the best thing about the movie.
Final Cut (2019) is not a bad movie. I do think the movie is worth checking out if you have some free time.
Date: 1/14/2020
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First viewing
Note: I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this movie to be honest. I decided to watch it on Amazon Prime because it was short and it looks kinda cool. This movie starts off as a cliché slasher movie that is trying to be meta with unlikable characters and bad acting. The movie throws everyone off guard with the plot twist at the end of the movie. I don't want to spoil anyone else with this movie because the twist is the best thing about the movie.
Final Cut (2019) is not a bad movie. I do think the movie is worth checking out if you have some free time.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Weathering with You (2019)

Date: 1/17/2020
Viewed: In theaters
First viewing
Note: Not the best movie from Makoto Shinkai, but I still really enjoy this movie in my opinion. I really like all the characters and the animation was fantastic. Everything in this movie was gorgeous to look at. I can't think of any animation bits in this movie that looked bad at all. While the story is a bit predictable, they still did a good job on creating a good cast of characters. The characters are pretty memorable and you care about them enough to see what will happen next.
I don't have much else to say without spoiling anything, but I do think Weathering with You is a solid movie. Check it out when you get the chance.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Psychos in Love (1987)

Date: 1/19/2020
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First viewing
Note: I decided to watch this movie on Amazon Prime because I wanted to watch something fun and relaxing for a Sunday night. I was not sure what to expect from this movie because I never seen it before. After watching it, I end up really liking it.
The movie has very funny humor, decent characters, and awesome kills. The movie is filled with over the top blood and gore that you normally get in most 80s horror movies. Not to mention, the movie is barely 90 minutes long which is a good thing. This movie knows not to overstay its welcome too long.
Overall, Psychos in Love is a fun memorable and witty horror movie. Check it out if you get the chance.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Delicatessen (1991)

Date: 1/21/2020
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: I haven't seen this movie since I was in High School back in 2007 and I still love this movie. This movie is a very surreal and creative dark comedy like no other matter. I love the art direction that this movie has because the cinematography does an amazing job on capturing the general tone of the movie. I can see why some people don't like this movie because dark humor is not everyone's cup of tea.
It's too bad that we don't get many unique movies like Delicatessen anymore. Overall, Delicatessen is a fantastic movie and I highly recommend seeing this movie if you haven't already.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Pollock (2000) (2000)

Date: 1/22/2020
Viewed: Sony Crackle
First viewing
Note: I always wanted to check out this movie for a while now after hearing about it over the years. I finally got the chance to watch it on Crackle and I thought it was very good. The acting was fantastic because it felt like that I was watching a documentary of Jackson Pollock than an actual movie. I can see why both Ed Harris and Marcia Gay Harden got nominated at Academy Awards for the roles.
The movie also did a great job on covering the themes of suffering for one's art and letting your ego control your life. I may not know 100% everyone on Jackson Pollock's life, but it seems like the movie did a great job on staying away from typical Hollywood myth storytelling and actually tells a faithful story of Jackson Pollock's life.
The only thing that I didn't like about the movie is that it did have a slow start and that's about it. Overall, Pollock is a great movie and I highly recommend seeing it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

The Uh-Oh! Show (2011)

Date: 1/23/2020
Viewed: Google Play
First viewing
Note: I always wanted to check out this movie for a while now because I'm a fan of Herschell Gordon Lewis movies. Not to mention, this was one of his last movies that he directed before he died in 2016. I personally really enjoy this movie to be honest. The movie is your typical Herschell Gordon Lewsis movie with over the top blood & gore, and cheesy acting. I also find the humor to be hilarious because the movie does a good job on making fun of reality game shows and TV networks being addicted to ratings.
This movie is almost like a Horror movie version of Network (1976) because they are both satires about network television. The movie is not perfect because the story is a bit predictable and the movie does have some awful CG. At least the practical gore was pretty good though.
Overall, The Uh-Oh Show is a lot of fun and it is worth checking out if you enjoy Horror Comedies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Branded to Kill (1967)

Date: 1/24/2020
Viewed: Criterion Channel
Note: I decided to rewatch this movie in honor of Joe Shishido and this movie is still outstanding. Everything about this movie is awesome and there's not a single boring moment at all. The characters are awesome and the writing is top-notch. I love how badass the main character is and how the movie deals with loneliness and torment. I also love how this movie is both a surreal art film, action, and neo noir film at once. This movie does a great job on mixing different types of genres into one movie. The pacing is also perfect because this movie does not overstay its welcome.
You also can't forget the movie has a fantastic jazzy music soundtrack to it as well. I can't think any of anything else wrong with this movie other than the final act feels a bit rushed.
Overall, Branded to Kill is a masterpiece. This movie is an absolutely required viewing for anyone interested in Japanese cinema.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)

Date: 1/25/2020
Viewed: Amazon Prime (Rental)
First viewing
Note: I have been a big fan of the View Askewniverse movies since I was a kid in the 90s and I waited forever to see my two favorite stoner duo of my childhood to return. I thought this movie was pretty good in my opinion. The movie has some hilarious moments and a lot of cool throwbacks to the other movies in the View Askewniverse. The movie also has a pretty good social commentary on Hollywood always rebooting and remaking things to cash in on Nostalgia.
I did like how the movie deals with parenthood and changing with the current time. Some characters in this movie have move on with their lives in the last 18 years and have become parents. Much like how Kevin Smith himself has gotten older and now has a kid of his own in the last 18 years as well. The only thing that I didn't like about this movie is a plot twist that happens in this movie. I won't spoil it because this movie is still pretty new and most people still haven't seen it yet.
Overall, I had a lot of fun with Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. I do recommend watching the other movies in the View Askewniverse before you see this movie because you probably won't get some of the jokes.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Who's Watching Oliver (2017)

Date: 1/27/2020
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First viewing
Note: I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this movie because I never seen it before. I decided to watch it on Amazon Prime because it looks interesting. To my surprise, this movie was pretty solid. This movie was sick, raw, and even a bit humorous at times. I really like the main character in this movie because he is different from most serial killers that you see in movies. He is force to kill and rape women when he hates his job as a serial killer. I don't want to spoil anything else about this movie because this movie will have you on the edge of your seat.
Overall, Who's Watching Oliver is a very good movie and it is worth checking out if you enjoy horror movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 1/28/2020
Viewed: Netflix
Note: I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid back in the 90s and decided to rewatch it before I see the third movie. Bad Boys 1 is not a bad movie, but it is far from perfect. The action scenes are top-notch and the two main characters have fun personalities. I also like the cinematography that this movie has because it captures the hot weather that exist in Miami. My biggest issue with this movie is that the movie starts to overstay its welcome by the last act. This movie could have been a bit shorter in my opinion.
Overall, Bad Boys is still a decent movie and it is worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Tremors 2: Aftershocks (1996)

Date: 1/29/2020
Viewed: Netflix
Note: I feel like Tremors 2 is almost as good as the first movie. The movie is filled with fun action and good comedy moments that will make you laugh. The characters in this movie are almost as good as the characters in the first movie. I feel like the special effects are pretty good as well for a direct to video movie.
I just wish Kevin Bacon came back because the other main character in this movie is pretty dull in my opinion. The CG in this movie has aged terribly like most CG from the 90s. Back in 1996, it looked pretty good. However, it looks like utter garbage now by today's standers.
Overall, Tremors 2 is a noteworthy sequel and it is worth checking out if you enjoy the first movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 1/30/2020
Viewed: In theaters
First viewing
Note: I waited months to finally see this movie and it was worth the wait. This movie was sick, crazy, and surreal at the same time. This movie was almost 2 hours and there was not a single boring moment during the whole movie. The movie has amazing cinematography that really capture the dark and surreal feeling of this movie. I also love seeing how the characters handle the changes that are happening around them in the movie. I like the characters enough to see them survive and how they can get out of this situation.
Nicolas Cage in this movie is just as fun and over the top as always. I also didn't have any issues with the acting like most people did. My biggest issue with this movie is that some of the CG in this movie was not very good. The practical effects look awesome while the CG looked super fake at times. I also wish they went more nuts with the concept as it could have.
Overall, Color Out of Space is a great movie and it is worth checking out. This movie may not be for everyone, but I do think fans of horror movies and surrealism will enjoy it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

I tried, but I gave up
The Mummy (2017)

Date: 1/14/2020
Viewed: on TV
First viewing
Note: I watched this movie on FX because it was raining and I had nothing else to do. I was like "Eh, here's goes nothing" and the movie was way worse than I thought it was going to be. This movie is the Fantastic Four 2015 of Mummy movies. This movie was so bad, I didn't even finish it because it made my head hurt. One hour was enough for me to turn off this film.
The plot is all over the place and the color scheme for the movie look ugly. The movie wants to copy off of Man of Steel's ugly dreary color palette and it made look 100% worse. I doubt I will watch the rest of this movie again anytime soon.
Stick with the Mummy movie from 1932 and 1959. Those movies are way better.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

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