Girls Kick Ass
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Star Wars
She keeps secret guns in her throne room and was the one who took action when she and the boys were captured and strung up on pillars.
Legend of the Seeker
Other than the fact that she can make you lose all free will with a single touch?
Power Rangers Zeo
She is unstoppable and if you challenge her she'll just put you under a love spell and make you fight to your death.
jenndubya's rating:

Kamen Rider Wizard
She may not be the heroine (although her alternate universe self was), but Rinko is still a highly trained cop. Also, her actress clearly had way too much fun with that shotgun in the net movies.
jenndubya's rating:

Captain Marvel
She can shoot fricken lasers from her hands.
Also, she's friends with Goose the Cat, which automatically makes her awesome by proxy.
jenndubya's rating:

jenndubya's rating:

jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers R.P.M.
All she wants is to just blow things up. She doesn't even have to hate you to want to set you on fire.
jenndubya's rating:

Kamen Rider Den-O![]()
She punched a dude through the side of a train!
Also, that entire fight from Climax Deka that starts with her shooting a rocket launcher!
jenndubya's rating:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
She is the #1 reason that I love bows so much. Have you seen her use that thing?
jenndubya's rating:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Power Rangers Zeo
Power Rangers Turbo
She is one of the most selfless characters ever, agreed to go into a trap just to save her friends (TWICE!) and then rescued herself, and just straight up had the balls to grab a blaster pointed directly in her face!
jenndubya's rating:

Kamen Rider Hibiki
You can kill her, but another one will just pop up in its place.
And I'm not even sure who the original Hime even is because once you think you have it figured out, nope, she's a clone too.
jenndubya's rating:

Glitter Force
(Smile PreCure)
She will literally set you on fire. It's in her roll call and everything.
Kamen Rider Amazons
She has no emotions because she's already dead, and therefore has no qualms about kicking your ass.
jenndubya's rating:

Kamen Rider Revice
Her superhero brother tried to protect her when her friend was kidnapped, but she was just like, "nah, I got this."
And then, even before getting superpowers, she immediately squares up when monsters show up.
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger
While she may be the cute butt monkey, do not underestimate her! She also has a fiery temper.
Also: she single-handedly beat the Red Ranger all on her own while he was using his super special power up!
jenndubya's rating:

Ressha Sentai ToQGer
She can be whoever she wants to be. Her imagination is that strong.
Also, she was a panda. Would you fuck with a panda?
jenndubya's rating:

Doctor Who
She walked the entire Earth over the course of a year just to tell people about The Doctor and single-handedly stopped The Master's evil plan.
Denji Sentai Megaranger
Megaranger says screw you to Red-exclusive things and was like, "here Chisato, you can have a Battle Riser too." And she will not hesitate to spam the heck out of it without her powers.
Also, her main weapon is a slingshot.
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers R.P.M.
She has a cannon in the fridge! And if that wasn't enough, her violin controls the computer systems!
jenndubya's rating:

Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Don't let her petite stature fool you. She's broken a bottle over a mook's head, mastered drunken boxing, and done numerous humiliating things to the Chief.
jenndubya's rating:

GoGo Sentai Boukenger
She will smack you around with mini bulldozer buckets. And she piloted the giant robot on her own even after a system overload knocked her out of her Ranger suit!
jenndubya's rating:

Chouriki Sentai Ohranger
She's just this little sweet thing, but also has bad ass military training.
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
She will not give up or back down from anything. Not even if she's injured or there is a 100% probability that she will not make it out alive.
jenndubya's rating:

Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger
She may have an extreme weakness for cuteness, but don't forget that she is a highly trained cop that will not hesitate to slap the taste out of your mouth if she needs to.
jenndubya's rating:

jenndubya's rating:

X-Men: The Animated Series
Go ask Ms. Marvel. Oh wait, you can't. She became trapped a coma after Rogue absorbed her powers.
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"Girls Kick Ass. Says so on the t-shirt."
- Max Guevera (Jessica Alba on Dark Angel)
My favorite girls with attitude. They could kick your ass and most of them wouldn't break a sweat.
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My Endless Lists of Awesome Female Characters
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