My Favorite Joss Whedon Characters
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In Firefly/Serenity, Captain TightPants, I mean Captain Malcolm Reynolds was funny and honorable which is an appealing combination. His crew was his family and his ship was his home.
tersanay's rating:
Not gonna lie, I've loved Alan since the first time I saw him in Knight's Tale, but there is something about hiw as Wash in Firefly that is so sweet and funny and innocent that this has become his iconic role for me.
tersanay's rating:
As River Tam in Firefly/Serenity, a crazy broken psychic with the ability to kill you pretty much with her mind. I would have loved to have seen where they took her storyline.
tersanay's rating:
Oh Oz, how I loved thee. On Buffy he was by far my favorite character/werewolf and it's still my favorite role of his to this day.
tersanay's rating:
Dollhouse is an interesting show with a really cool concept that definately should have kept going, but even though it didn't I just loved Eliza in this role as Echo/Caroline. You can't help but root for her.
tersanay's rating:
Another Doll, Victor was probably my fave because even when he was wiped he seemed so sweet and protective.
tersanay's rating:
Is it okay to say that I liked Spike better as a bad guy on Buffy? I still liked him after but they took some of the BAMF out when he fell for Buffy.
tersanay's rating:
Technically, Topher is one of the not so good people in Dollhouse but that doesn't make him not likable. I found myself saying Awww an awful lot when he was on screen.
tersanay's rating:
On Angel, they saved Fred from another dimension and she becasme a part of the team. Liked her intelligent innocence but then liked her even better when she died and became Illyria. Talk about BAMF.
tersanay's rating: