The New York Ripper (Lo squartatore di New York) (1982)
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" Jack Hedley of The Anniversary stars as a hardbitten police lieutenant tracking a sadistic sex-killer in this gruesome thriller from splatter-maven Lucio Fulci. The misogynistic script (by Fulci and prolific collaborators Gianfranco Clerici and Vincenzo Mannino) posits a femme-hating psycho (who talks like Donald Duck) slashing beautiful women with a switchblade and a straight-razor because his daughter is in the hospital and will never grow up to be beautiful The New York Ripper was releas"

" Jack Hedley of The Anniversary stars as a hardbitten police lieutenant tracking a sadistic sex-killer in this gruesome thriller from splatter-maven Lucio Fulci. The misogynistic script (by Fulci and prolific collaborators Gianfranco Clerici and Vincenzo Mannino) posits a femme-hating psycho (who talks like Donald Duck) slashing beautiful women with a switchblade and a straight-razor because his daughter is in the hospital and will never grow up to be beautiful The New York Ripper was releas"

"When it comes to Italian horror I've always been more of an Argento fan, Fulci just seemed too schlocky for my taste. But that being said I've been meaning to give his stuff another try and finding this on Blue Underground is just the push I need."

"3.5 out of 5 Pretty decent. Seemed especially lurid and exploitative even by giallo standards. Mostly interesting to see how gross Times Square was in the 1980's. This is the Donald Duck killer one."

" Date: 7/10/2020 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-Watch Note: I decided to rewatch this movie because I wanted to check out the 4K restoration of this movie. The 4K restoration is absolutely fantastic because it felt like I was watching a brand-new movie. The New York Ripper is one of those movies that gets better with each viewing in my opinion and deserves a better rep than being a total trashy movie. I love the dark and sleazy feeling of New York City in this movie because It really captures the grubby"

"25.4. Blu-ray En kyllä lähtisi vastaan väittämään, jos joku kutsuisi tätä naisvihan ilmentymäksi. Tyhjä se ei kuitenkaan ole, oikeastaan edes juonen osalta. Pitkitetyt seksuaalismotivoidut väkivaltakohtaukset ovat oikeasti todella vaikeaa katsottavaa, niin kuin tulisikin. Koettelee ja puhuttelee väkivallan äärimmäisyydellä ja onpa muutamia hienoja visuaalisia kikkojakin mukana. Erikoistehosteet ovat hämmentävän todellisia."