A Year of Horror - 2006 - Update V.2
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Top Picks
Day Watch (2006)

Theatrical Trailer
Obviously watch "Nightwatch" (2004) before you watch this film.
:: Russian - Fantasy - Horror ::
jaytoast's rating:

Cold Prey (2006)

Theatrical Trailer
This is your basic straight forward slasher film. A refreshing change from all the failed attempts to 'reinvent' the genre.
:: Norwegian - Horror ::
jaytoast's rating:

Severance (2006)

Review by SJMJ91
Theatrical Trailer
A British horror comedy film that I actually don't mind recommending.
jaytoast's rating:

At Your Own Risk...

Theatrical Trailer
This is a strange film that some might find hard to follow. I was pleasantly surprised.
jaytoast's rating:

Post-modren/deconstructionist horror comedy that I found funny and still managed to have a few good scares.
This is a 'love it' or 'hate it' film.
jaytoast's rating:

I didn't make it that far into the film. It was a bit too disturbing something about the low-budget camera work and lack of dialogue was unsettling... besides I realized that I didn't want to see a film regarding this case.
Hatchet (2010)

Review by Xanadon't
Theatrical Trailer
This had the makings of a great film and received some pretty high acclaim. Somehow most of the horror/gore comedy aspects didn't work for me.
jaytoast's rating:

Theatrical Trailer
This is pretty much a direct to video movie and perhaps I should rate it lower just for the last 20min. Still, wasn't bad and small towns are still creepy ;)
jaytoast's rating:

Pulse (2006)

Theatrical Trailer
Why, yes... I am the only person who liked this film. The only thing I found super annoying about the film was the overexposed film look with blurry edges. Ah... a 'special effect' that will be seen in many films.
jaytoast's rating:

Sl8n8 (2006)

Theatrical Trailer
Much like "Cold Prey" this is a pretty basic slasher film and I enjoyed the film for pretty much the same reasons.
:: Dutch - Action - Horror ::
jaytoast's rating:

This film is part of a sub-genre of horror films aimed at a Christian audience. So, far the studio has done a rather decent job with these films.
jaytoast's rating:

Turistas (2006)

Theatrical Trailer
Beautiful people in danger! Meh, between the people and locations it was horror eye candy and would almost take a place under 'guilty favorites' if it hadn't been so bad.
jaytoast's rating:

Theatrical Trailer
It is a decent film but lost half a star for the pseudo zombie creatures that no one seems to agree on what they actually are.
jaytoast's rating:

Grimm Love (2007)

After not being able to sit through "Cannibal" it was surprising that I made it through this film about the Oliver Hartwin case. The only thing that really kept this film from being a disaster was the acting abilities of Thomas Kretschmann.
jaytoast's rating:

The Omen (2006)

Review by PvtCaboose91
Theatrical Trailer
I would almost be willing to rate this film lower based on the acting/casting choices. Still, it makes the original film look really good.
jaytoast's rating:

Killer B's...
The Tripper (2006)

Theatrical Trailer
There were several points in the film where I really wanted to hate the whole thing but it did have some redeeming qualities.
Hit or miss horror comedy... you have been warned.
jaytoast's rating:

Snakes on a Plane (2006)

Review by Nonfictionguy
Theatrical Trailer
I'm not sure why all the hate for this film. It delivers exactly what is stated in the title. Snakes on a plane... now ask yourself do you want to watch a movie about snakes on a plane or not? If your expecting this film to turn into "Schindler's List" duh... your going to be disappointed.
jaytoast's rating:

Abandon hope all ye who rent...
The Breed (2006)
For a low-budget killer dogs film, this isn't the worst I have seen but still recommending to most people to skip the film.
jaytoast's rating:

The Last Winter (2006)
This is actually not that bad... until about the last 30 min.
jaytoast's rating:

Ah, another film that I can't really rate because I got bored and started cleaning my apartment. I'm not going to make a second attempt.
The Return (2006)

I'll give it credit for being better then "I Know Who Killed Me". Still, this film falls more under "Sarah Michelle Gellar does a made for TV romantic thriller". Oh, and I had to knock a star off because I forgot the film entirely (trauma induced memory loss???) and was forced to watch the horrible thing twice.
jaytoast's rating:

See No Evil (2006)
Boring teen-scream slasher film. I didn't even care enough about the characters to wonder which one would die next.
jaytoast's rating:

Future Horrors...

Unseen Horrors...
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Guide to how the list is divided
"Top Picks"
Movies I would Recommend to fans of horror with a few personal favorites
"At Your Own Risk"
Films I wouldn't automatically recommend to horror fans.
So, sort of a mixed assortment of films that I like but others hate or others like and I don't.
"Killer B's"
Sometimes I like a bad move but best to just skip them. Unless your in the mood for that sort of thing.
"Abandon hope all ye who rent"
Films I highly recommend not watching
"Future Horrors"
Films that sound interesting and might one day watch
"Unseen Horrors"
Movies I haven't seen and quite possibly have no intention of ever watching
Also see:
History of Horror
diabolical dr voodoo's list of horror films past and future. Updated regularly
A Decade of Horror
by pamela voorhees
European horror 2000-2009
by propelas
The other years:
A Year of Horror - 2011
A Year of Horror - 2010
A Year of Horror - 2009
A Year of Horror - 2008
A Year of Horror - 2007
A Year of Horror - 2006
A Year of Horror - 2005
A Year of Horror - 2004
A Year of Horror - 2003
A Year of Horror - 2002
A Year of Horror - 2001
A Year of Horror - 2000
Suggestions are welcome
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15 votes
Index of Horror Films by Year Lists
(15 lists)list by jaytoast
Published 13 years ago

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