Wonder Woman (2017)
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
A good movie
"Wonder Woman" (2017)

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“As someone who does enjoy superhero films when done right, there are some good ones out there as well as some disappointing ones. Enjoyed the character of Wonder Woman as a kid, and always felt compared to other superhero characters that she deserved her own film.Which she gets in this 2017 effort directed by Patty Jenkins. Is 'Wonder Woman' as good as the hype and a wonder of a film? Not to me, there are a few things that stop it from being even better. Does it deserve the negativity in a lot of the comments here? While it is easy to see why people would be disappointed, as it could have been better, my answer would be no and that some of the hate is over the top.There are problems here in 'Wonder Woman'. Part of it is to do with pacing, the film starts a little dull in places and later o” read more
“I like this movie mainly because of Gal Gadot. She's an awesome Wonder Woman and comes off as very heroic and sexy. This origin story covers all the bases and has good action scenes. It's a really sincere story about one of the most likable heroes to come out of comic books. Some of it is predictable but not in a bad way. Let's face it, if you want to see Wonder Woman you have to give the audience a few things. There has to be a super villain who is connected to her mythical origins so Diana has to face Ares, the god of war. Gadot plays Diana as naive, but confident. She leaps into action very quickly and she has chemistry with Chris Pine, her love interest. Overall, this movie is an excellent introduction to the classic hero that does not disappoint.” read more