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Vampires Videos
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A bad movie
UPC: 043396030640

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" Recovering from an ambush that killed his entire team, a vengeful vampire slayer must retrieve an ancient Catholic relic that, should it be acquired by vampires, will allow them to walk in sunlight. Based on the novel by âVampire$â by John Steakly, James Woods stars as Jack Crow, the leader of a team of vampire hunters. After his parents were murdered by vampires, Crow was raised by the Catholic Church to become their "master slayer". The plot is centered on Crow's efforts to prevent a "

" "Let me ask you a question. When you were stabbing that vampire in there? Did you get a little wood?" Written by Don Jakoby Music by John Carpenter Cinematography by Gary B. Kibbe Editing by Edward A. Warschilka"

"The Church doesnât have your best interests, at heart. There are greedy, opportunistic people, in charge. And thatâs just the Pope. And also, if you see a vampire, kill a vampire."

"14.6. Netflix Uusintakatselu. Carpenterin parjattu vampyyripelleily on, kokonaisuutena samantasoisen Christinen tapaan, hyvinkin itsetietoinen B-elokuva. SillÀ on hetkensÀ ylettömyydessÀ rÀpiköivissÀ verisissÀ set-pieceissÀ, mutta kokonaisuus on kuitenkin valitettavan epÀtasainen tarinankuljetuksen ollessa monasti aika tylsÀÀkin. Ei aivan onnistu tÀyttÀmÀÀn alussa asettamiaan odotuksia. Valkeni sekin, miksei tÀmÀ ylÀasteiÀssÀkÀÀn paria katselua enempÀÀ ansainnut. James"

"Olin melkein varma, ettÀ tÀssÀ olisi luvassa suuri annos kovastipuhaltavaan tuulettimeen viskattua löysÀÀ elefantinpaskaa, mutta sain yllÀtyksekseni huomata, ettÀ John Carpenterin Vampyyri-raina ei ollut niin huono kun olisi voinut olettaa; mikÀÀn erittÀin hyvÀ elokuvahan ei ole kyseessÀ, mutta sopi tÀmÀ silti vallan mainiosti pÀÀtteeksi elokuvapÀivÀlle yöllÀ virvokkeiden kera nautittuna. James Woods on kovapintainen vampyyrienmetsÀstÀjÀ Jack Crow, joka kohtaa kuningasvam"

"Format: Streaming Viewing: 2nd (or 3rd) Thoughts: It's Halloween night and I'm struggling to come back from the terrible choice of Gate 2 the night before and I had to pick something good to get back in my wife's good graces. So I went with the sure-to-please John Carpenter's Vampires. This movie is awesome and has it all: James Woods completely committed to this role (which is kind of like Fred Williamson meets Reservoir Dogs-era Steve Buscemi), KNB studios at their prime of practical F/X, and "

"YllÀtyin kovasti miten hauskaa yÀripaskaa tÀmÀ oli. Harmi ettei ollut krapulaa. "