The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)
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The Stanford Prison Experiment Videos
78 Views, 1 votes
Added 9 years ago
Added 9 years ago
Added 9 years ago
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1. This idea is crazy yet truly interesting.
2. I knew about this story, but not in vast detail.
3. I watched The Experiment with Adrien Brody that was based from this and I really enjoyed that one.
4. This one looks to be just as good if not better.
5. It has a wide selection of great young actors!
6. Many have worked together be... read more
A good movie
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“To be honest, after watching ‘Das Experiment’ and the US remake ‘The Experiment’, I wasn’t exactly dying to see a 3rd movie about this story but, somehow, I still ended up watching this movie. Well, I have to admit that it is still such a fascinating tale and the fact that they took a different approach than the previous movies still made the damned thing really interesting to behold. Indeed, while watching this flick, I was wondering what was made up this time around but, apparently, nearly all the dialogues between the ‘guards’ and the ‘prisoners’ during the experiment were actually taken directly from the actual footage of the real-life experiment. Another intriguing thing was that, except for one event during which a guard did hit a prisoner with his baton, there was ” read more
"Woooo iste film gibi film, konu gibi konu. Psikoloji profesoru bir grup gonulluyu standford un icine kapatir ve yazi tura ile gardiyan ve mahkumlari belirler. Daha sonra 2 haftalik surecek olan deneye baslar. Yasanmis gercek hikaye olan film gercekten nefisti. insanlarin baski altinda otorite saglamak ya da tam tersi otoriteye karsi gelmeleri. Film, aslinda bir deneyden cook daha fazlasiydi. En etkileyici kisim ise kesinlikle filmin sonu, deneyin sonu degildi. Konusmalar cok ama cok etkileyic"
"7 / 10 - Accurate adaptation of real events. Great directing with raw and realistic perfomances. Hands down for Ezra Miller that made me wanna see this movie and it was worth-watching. I would recommend it if you haven't seen this film at school."
“Thoughts before I watched this. 1. This idea is crazy yet truly interesting. 2. I knew about this story, but not in vast detail. 3. I watched The Expe”