Red Lights (2012)
list by ToonHead2102

list by johanlefourbe

Red Lights Videos
Added 12 years ago
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So close, and yet so far
Sigourney Weaver and Cillian Murphy star as paranormal investigators, who try to look at these supernatural events from a logical and scientific eye. I’ll admit the first 50 minutes of this movie are intriguing, as we get to know these characters, what they do, what they be... read more
An average movie

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" Directed by: Rodrigo Cortés Produced by: Rodrigo Cortés and Adrián Guera Written by: Rodrigo Cortés Cinematography: Xavi Giménez Edited by: Rodrigo Cortés Music by: Victor Reyes Distributed by: Millennium Pictures"
“To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this flick but since there was a really solid cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, to be honest, it turned out to be rather difficult to judge this movie. I mean, sure, at least half of it was pretty much some garbage. However, there were some bits here and there that were actually not bad at all. For example, the scene during which they unmask Leonard Palladino was pretty neat and if they would have given the same focus on the rest of the movie, it could have actually worked. The characters had also some potential. For example, Elizabeth Olsen, whose character was included only to make sure that Tom Buckley could get laid, managed to do quite a lot with a really thankless part. Still, I think it was a mistake to kill off S” read more

"The skeptical psychologist Dr. Margaret Matheson and her assistant, the physician Tom Buckley, are specialists in disclosing fraudulent paranormal phenomena. When the famous psychic Simon Silver reappears to his public after many years of absence, Tom becomes obsessed to investigate whether Silver is a fraud or not. This movie has a really good premise, it builds the story up nicely and has us wondering whether Robert DeNiro's character is a super-human right until the very end...but the ending"

"26.7. (Netflix) Robert De Niro on sokea psyykikko, jonka toimia yritetään todistaa huijaukseksi. Aiheena tästä olisi saanut paljon paremmankin filmin. Nyt perinteiseen tyylin lopussa on twisti (joka ei ole aivan hanurista). Silti säälin hiukan Hollywoodin käsikirjoittajia, joilla tuntuu olevan suunnattomia vaikeuksia saada tarina toimimaan ilman nasevaa loppua. Tässäkin väliin on tungettu paljon tavaraa, jolla ei lopulta ole mitään merkitystä, ja katsojan fokus on ainoastaan loppuh"

"30.08.2017 "You can't deny yourself forever." Director: Rodrigo Cortés Writer: Rodrigo Cortés Cinematographer: Xavi Giménez Composer: Víctor Reyes Cast: Cillian Murphy, Sigourney Weaver, Robert De Niro, Elizabeth Olsen, Toby Jones, Joely Richardson, Craig Roberts, Leonardo Sbaraglia and Adriane Lenox Previous rating: N/A New rating: 2/10"

" Director: Rodrigo Cortés Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Robert De Niro, Cillian Murphy, Elizabeth Olsen and Toby Jones A psychologist dedicated to researching theories and claims of human paranormal activity comes to believe that a famous psychic may be a talented fraud."

" Director: Rodrigo Cortés Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Robert De Niro, Cillian Murphy, Elizabeth Olsen and Toby Jones A psychologist dedicated to researching theories and claims of human paranormal activity comes to believe that a famous psychic may be a talented fraud."