That's My Boy (2012)
list by jaytoast
list by johanlefourbe
list by johanlefourbe
That's My Boy Videos
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Astonishingly hilarious
Adam Sandler used to be one of the most reliable funny-men in the business, but he has been stuck in a serious rut lately. After a string of awfulness culminating with 2011's sign of the apocalypse Jack and Jill, the prospect of another Adam Sandler comedy is now about as desirable as a cracked rib... read more
A teenage boy had sex with a high school teacher which sends her to prison. Years later he tries to make up for lost time trying to be a father the worst way possible.
Adam Sandler is so hateful, right down to his voice. He's essentially the same char... read more
Update feed
“How do you follow up the piece of trash called Jack & Jill? Sink even lower that it will flop critically and commercially. A teenage boy had sex with”
"February 1st- (rewatch) This gets way too much hate it's super funny! "
“Ni siquiera yo mismo sé por qué me tomo el tiempo de escribir sobre esta película en primer lugar. Es una comedia americana del montón; es absurda, tonta, vulgar e Insulza. Obviamente si buscas algo que te haga evocar algún sentimiento o te ponga a reflexionar sobre ti mismo o tu entorno esta es una de las peores elecciones que puedes hacer, es una cinta para ver cuándo tienes ganas de apagar tu mente y reirte de cualquier estupidez, se presta para ver en compañía.” read more
"3.1. Adam Sandler jaksaa vielä viisikymppisenäkin tehdä näin ala-arvoista huumoria. Mauttomien vitsien kirjo ylettyy alaikäisiin sekaantumisesta ja insestistä aina mummojen naimiseen ja vaikka mihin muuhun hassunhauskaan. Tavallaan tällaisiin samaa kaavaa toistaviin komedioihin on jo turtunut, mutta harvoin sitä silti näkee komediaelokuvaa, jossa lähes jokaisella hahmolla on näinkin moraalisesti arveluttava ajatusmaailma."