Hotel Transylvania (2012)
list by SchwarzerAbt

list by Mr. Saturn

list by ToonHead2102

list by abayo

Hotel Transylvania Videos
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If anyone interest, the portuguese version was perfect, much more better than Adam Sandler and Selena Gomez.
Unfunny, boring and really overrated
An average movie

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" Count Dracula Crime committed: Running an Establishment That Descrimates Against Nonmonster Based Humans. "

"No importa lo que diga Super Wario Man, a mi me sigue pareciendo una película disfrutable, aunque es cierto que en general no es tan memorable."
“After reading reviews that either disliked or were indifferent to Hotel Transylvania and being dubious because Adam Sandler(who has been in a lot of really bad movies recently) was in the lead role, I was unsure of whether to see the film. But my love for animation and the appetising trailer over-rode my doubts and I saw it anyway. And you know what, while The Pirates and ParaNorman were better animated movies from this year in my opinion I found Hotel Transylvania much better than expected. More could have been done with the relationship between Jonathan and Mavis, it is a romantic angle that has been used many times before and as well as feeling somewhat under-baked very little new was done with it. While a vast majority of the film is fast-paced with no real dull spots, some parts of th” read more