Highlander II: The Quickening (1991)
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
list by Villiana
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
list by SFG¿mystic
Highlander II: The Quickening Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
An average movie
UPC: 017153114904
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" In the future, Highlander Connor MacLeod must prevent the destruction of Earth under an anti-ozone shield, and Sean Connery returns one last time, as Juan Ramírez, despite dying in the previous film. And now.., they are aliens from the planet Geist? What the hell? Nothing in this film, makes any sense. So, why bother? Critics felt the same way. The film bombed badly. Not even the Renegade Cut, could save this film. Even more notorious, was the making of the film which died the death of m"
"Reason for the future sucking: A shield, is the only thing preventing the world, from being fried like an egg, due to the ozone layer being destroyed. As Al Gore would say, "I told you so". Making things worst, evil aliens, from the planet Zeist are trying to hunt down, Connor MacLeod, who also turns out to be a alien, from the planet Zeist. Sigh, my head still hurts, from all of the plot inconsistencies: Year it takes place: 2024"
"15.5. Mikä olisi reaktiosi, kun todistaisit aivan liian vanhentavasti meikatun tyypin murhaavan kaksi postapo-haarniskoihin pukeutunutta idioottia ja joutuvan sen jälkeen räjähtävän tankkiperävaunun jyräämäksi ainoastaan kävelläkseen pois tulimerestä 35 vuotta nuorentuneena? Jos Virginia Madsenia on uskominen, niin paras tapa hoitaa tilanne on vanha kunnon ranskalainen pystypano sivukujalla. Tätä ihanuutta ei kuitenkaan voi kestää loputtomiin, sillä Michael Ironside tulee kats"