list by Stehako

list by Max the Movie Guy
list by the giraffe

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Artsy Thug, Not Too Tall
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“Wow, the library has THREE copies of this DVD: I’ll never have to push back a sitting in time because it’s checked out…. I guess Joe Wright is a pretty prestigious filmmaker. Of course, that one attempt he made to make a movie with a mixed-race cast, “Pan”, (2015), was kinda a crash and burn failure, right…. But among historical-literary white stories, he does seem to have talent, right: more than average…. And here it does look like he’s following the new trend of introducing actors of color into trad “white stories”, or whatever, (although to not be in denial or over-state the positive: making exotic stories simultaneously white-centric probably hasn’t mysteriously gone poof), and yeah: it can be a hard thing to do successfully, or whatever: just from the theatrical” read more

"First viewing - Feb. 26th Cyrano de Bergerac is one of my favorite stories, so naturally I'm willing to watch any adaptation of it. Throw in Peter Dinklage in the titular role & I'm entirely on board. So it's no surprise that I really enjoyed this adaptation, even if they did turn it into a musical. And hey, the music works. And Kelvin Harrison Jr. makes an excellent Christian. Haley Bennett (AKA Not Jennifer Lawrence in my head) shines as Roxanne. I did regret not seeing a bit more of Bashir S"