Conan the Barbarian (2011)
list by johanlefourbe

list by Nerdy Werewolf

list by Villiana

Conan the Barbarian Videos
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Lavish, violent, vicious and fun
It would be erroneous for you to approach 2011's Conan the Barbarian believi... read more

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“The 2011 "Conan the Barbarian" is testament to why John Milius had every right to change the source material so much when he first brought the character to the big screen back in 1982 under the same title. Milius has long been lambasted by Conan loyalists for making a survivalist's version of Conan, more concerned with mirroring people and cultures our past than the sword and sorcery action morsels that Robert E. Howard wrote at spitfire rates.
Little they they consider that in doing so Milius imbued Conan with a personality that, if we're going to be honest, was severely lacking from the Cimmerian brute on paper. While the Conan adventures were fine piecemeal, if one were to read them back to back they suffered from repetitiveness and an over-dependence on action and tropes that” read more

"Watched this again after few years. Not as good as the original, but pretty damn entertaining. Gosh how i love Marcus Nispel's movies! Great action, straight and average storytelling and no pontless stuff in those. Good B-class flicks. Sure i'd take more practical instead less CGI, but i don't really care about that, especially if it's done well. Bad guys were too bad guys, but Jason Momoa was an excellent choice for an modern Conan."