Bad Lieutenant (1992)
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A great movie
Bad Lieutenant
UPC: 012236114307

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" A police Lieutenant goes about his daily tasks of investigating homicides, but is more interested in pursuing his vices. He has accumulated a massive debt betting on baseball, and he keeps doubling to try to recover. His bookies are beginning to get agitated. The Lieutenant does copious amounts of drugs, cavorts with prostitutes, and uses his status to take advantage of teenage girls. While investigating a nun's rape, he begins to reflect on his lifestyle. Critics felt that Harvey Keitel "

"11.4. Abel Ferraran niin kovin usein luotaama newyorkilainen sielunelämä tiivistyy kauneimmillaan Bad Lieutenantissa totaalisen moraalisen rappion ja anteeksiannon kohtauspisteessä. Olipa hieno lause. Keksin ihan itse."

"6.4. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Likaisen inhorealistinen katolilainen katumuskertomus ei useammankaan katselun myötä päästä helpolla. Inhottavan kusipään seuraamista on hankala keskeyttää, vaikka tuntuu itsekin ajautuvan samaan luisuun. Ja silti lopussa on jotain liikuttavaa. Harvey Keitel ei ole ennen tai jälkeen ollut näin vereslihalla."
“(OK) Keitel puts his chest and mind and cries in the decadence of afrugged shitty policeman. Ferrara involves it in a religious crime, but the dialogues of the fforgivving raped nun and the yunki Keitel's friend are kinda philosofic while Keitel and plot are more anguish...” read more

" Date: 5/28/2020 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-Watch Note: I haven't seen this movie since 2002 when my friend and I watched it on VHS. It was probably the first NC-17 movie that I remember seeing at that time along with Showgirls. After watching the movie again on Blu-ray, I think this movie holds up very well. I love that this movie feels like a 1970s grindhouse movie made in the 1990s. You can feel the sleaze and grittiness of New York City when watching this movie. The movie really sucks you into "