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Added by Villiana on 14 Oct 2013 09:29
3374 Views 53 Comments

Trick or treat ?

Sort by: Showing 29 items
Decade: Rating: List Type:

86 points

Villiana (1), MichelleCassidy (1), Mr. Saturn (5), Laín Coubert (5), brazilfashion (3), rewster (3), Bml93 (5), Bobbayyyyy (3), PulpRoman (1), portlander (3), Joshua "LF" (3), Candied Elise (1), ThePackMan (5), Hootsaidtheowl (5), the count (5), Vrajitoarea (5), maddiee (5), Fraterlucis (3), Payador (1), drugs (5), D-McH (3), Ricky49er (5), MadRose (3), Antares (3), monclivie (3), Paul Foster (1)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 2498 Average listal rating (1709 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.7
Halloween (1978)

66 points

Mr. Saturn (1), Hexenkult (5), DarkWarrior (5), rewster (5), Bml93 (3), Blitz (3), Prodigal Son (1), portlander (5), Pedro Abreu (1), Candied Elise (3), Sneky (3), Hootsaidtheowl (1), the giraffe (3), Iceviper (5), Payador (3), drugs (3), D-McH (5), Plava Strava (3), MadRose (5), Paul Foster (3)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 2418 Average listal rating (1613 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.5
The Crow (1994)

45 points

Villiana (3), MichelleCassidy (5), dannyjai (3), Holy Godiva (5), Blitz (5), Pedro Abreu (5), the giraffe (1), Vrajitoarea (1), LuckyDwarf (5), pulpbukowskiDeth (5), drugs (1), MadRose (1), Antares (5)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 5512 Average listal rating (3794 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.3
Sleepy Hollow (1999)

34 points

DarkWarrior (3), brazilfashion (1), jprc10 (1), PulpRoman (3), portlander (1), Marek27 (5), Irmeline (1), Mahnum (5), Vrajitoarea (3), Halogen (3), mutoscope (3), Gaby (3), Plava Strava (1), Antares (1)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 1552 Average listal rating (975 ratings) 6.4 IMDB Rating 6.9

31 points

MichelleCassidy (3), Laín Coubert (3), brazilfashion (5), Bobbayyyyy (1), jprc10 (3), Marek27 (1), Candied Elise (5), Mizz Kitty #13 (1), Halogen (1)Linda-may (3), Plava Strava (5)
Villiana's rating:

27 points

Mr. Saturn (3), Joshua "LF" (1), Mass. Patriot (5), mutoscope (1), Harmony May (5), Fraterlucis (1), Iceviper (1), Payador (5), monclivie (5)
People who added this item 813 Average listal rating (529 ratings) 7.2 IMDB Rating 7.5

24 points

Villiana (5), jprc10 (5), Sneky (5), Irmeline (3), Collette (1), Gaby (5)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 739 Average listal rating (495 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.7

21 points

Bml93 (1), xolmis (3), Pedro Abreu (3), Mahnum (1), the count (1), Mizz Kitty #13 (3), Halogen (5), D-McH (1), Ricky49er (3)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 5834 Average listal rating (3953 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 8
Donnie Darko (2001)

21 points

dannyjai (5), Prodigal Son (5), LuckyDwarf (3), pulpbukowskiDeth (3), Collette (5)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 4728 Average listal rating (3270 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.5
Beetlejuice (1988)

19 points

dannyjai (1), PulpRoman (5), Marek27 (3), ThePackMan (1), Mass. Patriot (3), Harmony May (3), Iceviper (3)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 5586 Average listal rating (3724 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.4
Corpse Bride (2005)

18 points

Holy Godiva (1), Bobbayyyyy (5), ThePackMan (3), Sneky (1), Mahnum (3), maddiee (3), Harmony May (1), Linda-may (1)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 730 Average listal rating (473 ratings) 8 IMDB Rating 8

15 points

rickterenzi (5), mutoscope (5), Ina (5)
People who added this item 2939 Average listal rating (1846 ratings) 5.9 IMDB Rating 6.2
Casper (1995)

14 points

Irmeline (5), maddiee (1), Linda-may (5), Collette (3)
Villiana's rating:

13 points

rewster (1), Prodigal Son (3), Joshua "LF" (5), Hootsaidtheowl (3), LuckyDwarf (1)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 97 Average listal rating (66 ratings) 5.6 IMDB Rating 5.8

8 points

Hexenkult (3), Paul Foster (5)

7 points

DarkWarrior (1), Mass. Patriot (1), jaytoast (5)
People who added this item 905 Average listal rating (618 ratings) 5.9 IMDB Rating 6

6 points

Blitz (1), Mizz Kitty #13 (5)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 850 Average listal rating (541 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 7

6 points

xolmis (5), pulpbukowskiDeth (1)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 563 Average listal rating (308 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.6

6 points

the giraffe (5), monclivie (1)
People who added this item 987 Average listal rating (620 ratings) 6.6 IMDB Rating 6.7
Penelope (2007)

5 points

The O.P. (5)
People who added this item 36 Average listal rating (24 ratings) 8.2 IMDB Rating 8.1

5 points

Fraterlucis (5)
People who added this item 1472 Average listal rating (912 ratings) 6.2 IMDB Rating 6.3

4 points

Holy Godiva (3), Gaby (1)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 741 Average listal rating (465 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.8

3 points

the count (3)
People who added this item 91 Average listal rating (49 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.6
Lady in White (1988)

3 points

jaytoast (3)
People who added this item 15 Average listal rating (1 ratings) 6 IMDB Rating 6.3

1 points

Laín Coubert (1)
People who added this item 161 Average listal rating (115 ratings) 6.5 IMDB Rating 6.1

1 points

Hexenkult (1)
People who added this item 744 Average listal rating (484 ratings) 6.6 IMDB Rating 6.8

1 points

xolmis (1)
Villiana's rating:
People who added this item 253 Average listal rating (141 ratings) 5.1 IMDB Rating 5.7

1 points

Ricky49er (1)
People who added this item 161 Average listal rating (86 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.8

1 points

jaytoast (1)

Voting for your favorite movies with Halloween theme in the background.
Each possibility is allowed (time, theme).

Choose 3 Your favorite Halloween movies, and I admit the points.
The first one being Your favorite. The first You picked get 5 points, middle - 3 points, the last one get 1 point.

Happy Halloween :)

Michael Jackson - Thriller

Added to

47 votes
My Listal's Community Projects (7 lists)
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