Postal Fancast
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as the Postal Dude
Those who have watched the Cinema Snob know that Brad Jones is excellent at comedic roles.
Those who have watched the Cinema Snob know that Brad Jones is excellent at comedic roles.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

as the Postal Babe
There is no such character as THE Postal Babe in the games, but I think it would be a good idea to have a female counterpart to the Postal Dude, like in the movie.
There is no such character as THE Postal Babe in the games, but I think it would be a good idea to have a female counterpart to the Postal Dude, like in the movie.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

as the redneck leader/CEO of Buttgeiser beer/main villain
In the Postal games, the rednecks don't seem to have a leader and there doesn't seem to be a main villain, unless you count the Postal Dude himself. In my idea for a Postal story, the rednecks would have a leader who is the CEO of Buttgeiser beer and who has a plot for world domination. I can picture Jim Carrey doing a great job in this role, or as the Postal Dude himself. The redneck leader would be to the Postal Dude what Ajax/Francis is to Deadpool.
In the Postal games, the rednecks don't seem to have a leader and there doesn't seem to be a main villain, unless you count the Postal Dude himself. In my idea for a Postal story, the rednecks would have a leader who is the CEO of Buttgeiser beer and who has a plot for world domination. I can picture Jim Carrey doing a great job in this role, or as the Postal Dude himself. The redneck leader would be to the Postal Dude what Ajax/Francis is to Deadpool.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

as himself
In the game Postal 2, Gary Coleman had a cameo role as himself. Gary Coleman is unfortunately no longer with us, but Joe Pesci would be perfect in a similar cameo.
In the game Postal 2, Gary Coleman had a cameo role as himself. Gary Coleman is unfortunately no longer with us, but Joe Pesci would be perfect in a similar cameo.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

There was already a Postal movie (which was disappointing), but here is my list of who I would cast in a movie based on the video game franchise.
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