Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2013)
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Showing 1-50 of 100
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The Godfather (1972)

Points: 187
Chosen by: brawljeff (3), propelas (9), Severin Severin (10), Ozzy the Film Freck (9), Comisarul Moldovan (9), Justinvdk (10), - WreckMe - (10), Ryan P. (8), phillydude (10), The Cinephile (5), BradWesley123 (9), moviewatcher122 (3), Fimc14 (10), AVPGuyver21 (8), meganfan (10), GigaBeer (10), JohnDoeRules (7), vai_tu_22 (10), Logran (10), diabolical dr voodoo (10), Stehako (9), vitoc (8)
Previous rank: 1
IMDB top 250 rank: 2
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Dark Knight (2008)

Points: 183
Chosen by: brawljeff (8), Bml93 (8), Vanter (7), propelas (1), mateus1987 (7), JCase (7), garfield2710 (3), Comisarul Moldovan (8), RRoxx (6), Willian =D (7), Ryan P. (9), Noitpecni (9), thenoah (9), Kris (2), Ultimateone (9), BradWesley123 (6), billycostigan (5), shia. (7), FG93 (7), DeathlyHallows (3), BAMF (2), Maggie (10), NemuiN (9), PowerGirl (9), rogercastoro (2), vai_tu_22 (8), Logran (7), jedidarrick (2), heipanda (6)
Previous rank: 4 (โ2)
IMDB top 250 rank: 7
johanlefourbe's rating:

Fight Club (1999)

Points: 119
Chosen by: johanlefourbe (9), brawljeff (9), DuckNation (6), mateus1987 (6), salappa (8), Ryan P. (10). shia. (8), moviewatcher122 (5), BAMF (8), Maggie (9), NemuiN (4), PowerGirl (4), rogercastoro (8), vai_tu_22 (7), Logran (9), Ice_Cold (9)
Previous rank: 2 (โ1)
IMDB top 250 rank: 10
johanlefourbe's rating:

Inception (2010)

Points: 117
Chosen by: Bml93 (10), Vanter (10), Yurienu (2), JCase (10), garfield2710 (6), Comisarul Moldovan (7), RRoxx (7), Noitpecni (10), WikusVanMerwe (9), Erehps (5), thenoah (5), Hard2Get (5), BradWesley123 (5), billycostigan (7), moviewatcher122 (2), DeathlyHallows (6), Aldenvdk (4), Maggie (6), Dhiraj Shah (1)
Previous rank: 3 (โ1)
IMDB top 250 rank: -
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 111
Chosen by: Gerru (3), Ruisperkele (10), Nykรค (10), m08221196 (4), Tino (8), popguns (10), Petri (10), Juize (10), Banaanipalmu (10), Kankku (9), JohnDoeRules (8), vitoc (9), Harmonica (10)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
Pulp Fiction (1994)

Points: 98
Chosen by: DuckNation (9), the giraffe (2), Aprakadabra (8), Severin Severin (5), salappa (6), Justinvdk (5), Nakki (2), BradWesley123 (2), FG93 (1), biggdogg (6), moviewatcher122 (1), Aldenvdk (8), GigaBeer (9), rogercastoro (7), lotr23 (1), vai_tu_22 (6), diabolical dr voodoo (1), Ice_Cold (10), Regina Phalange (9)
Previous rank: 11 (โ5)
IMDB top 250 rank: 4
johanlefourbe's rating:

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Points: 92
Chosen by: DuckNation (8), Ozzy the Film Freck (6), Mihail (8), Nakki (10), Tino (6), milica (8), Happy Vader (5), moviewatcher122 (7), AVPGuyver21 (10), Mr. Saturn (6), diabolical dr voodoo (8), Noodles (10)
Previous rank: 8 (โ1)
IMDB top 250 rank: 93
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 90
Chosen by: Aprakadabra (10), Severin Severin (8), Ozzy the Film Freck (4), - WreckMe - (6), WikusVanMerwe (7), thenoah (7), Pummi (10), FG93 (8), AVPGuyver21 (5), GigaBeer (3), JohnDoeRules (3), vai_tu_22 (9), heipanda (10)
Previous rank: 12 (โ4)
IMDB top 250 rank: 5
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 86
Chosen by: Michael M (5), DuckNation (7), Ozzy the Film Freck (8), Comisarul Moldovan (6), Justinvdk (7), RRoxx (9), Willian =D (10), thenoah (6), biggdogg (10), Aldenvdk (3), AVPGuyver21 (3), TrekMedic (4), Dhiraj Shah (7), NemuiN (1)
Previous rank: 7 (โ2)
IMDB top 250 rank: 1
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Points: 70
Chosen by: Bml93 (9), Vanter (4), JCase (5), RRoxx (10), Ryan P. (7), WikusVanMerwe (1), thenoah (8), Hard2Get (2), Ultimateone (3), biggdogg (4), BAMF (1), NemuiN (8), PowerGirl (8)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 44
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 66
Chosen by: Aprakadabra (5), Gerru (8), Mihail (2), Nakki (7), m08221196 (10), Tino (10), popguns (1), Juize (8), JohnDoeRules (5), vitoc (7), Harmonica (3)
Previous rank: 16 (โ5)
IMDB top 250 rank: 214
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 61
Chosen by: mateus1987 (10), ๅด้ๆฆฎ (1), - WreckMe - (4), Hard2Get (1), BradWesley123 (4), shia. (5), PvtCaboose91 (10), lotr23 (8), Logran (6), Sarah Raquel (5), jedidarrick (1), Ice_Cold (6)
Previous rank: 21 (โ9)
IMDB top 250 rank: 9
johanlefourbe's rating:

Spirited Away (2001)

Points: 60
Chosen by: Yurienu (10), garfield2710 (8), salappa (7), Erehps (8), Happy Vader (7), Astrid Leonor (5), Sarah Raquel (10), heipanda (5)
Previous rank: 57 (โ44)
IMDB top 250 rank: 43
johanlefourbe's rating:

Sunrise (1927)

Points: 58
Chosen by: Gerru (7), Mihail (5), Nakki (5), Banaanipalmu (9), Kankku (2), Wendel (9), LoverOfFreedom (4), mirinbuddy (1), Mr. Saturn (2), Harmonica (5), micdag (9)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)

Points: 58
Chosen by: VierasTalo (8), Gerru (6), Mihail (10), popguns (7), Kankku (8), mirinbuddy (6), lotr23 (4), Harmonica (9)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 52
Chosen by: Michael M (10), DuckNation (5), - WreckMe - (2), Ultimateone (10), The Cinephile (4), rogercastoro (4), Sarah Raquel (7), Stehako (10)
Previous rank: 6 (โ10)
IMDB top 250 rank: 18
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 50
Chosen by: JCase (1), Justinvdk (3), Noitpecni (2), thenoah (1), Kris (8), billycostigan (10), shia. (10), Dhiraj Shah (5), rogercastoro (10)
Previous rank: 9 (โ8)
IMDB top 250 rank: 68
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Godfather: Part II (1974)

Points: 49
Chosen by: propelas (8), Justinvdk (9), - WreckMe - (9), Ryan P. (6), vai_tu_22 (3), diabolical dr voodoo (4), vitoc (10)
Previous rank: 5 (โ13)
IMDB top 250 rank: 3
johanlefourbe's rating:

Persona (1966)

Points: 46
Chosen by: propelas (7), Tino (6), mirinbuddy (5), JohnDoeRules (9), Noodles (6), Regina Phalange (7), vitoc (6)
Previous rank: 19
IMDB top 250 rank: 187

Points: 43
Chosen by: Justinvdk (8), Willian =D (5), biggdogg (8), Fimc14 (6), Sarah Raquel (8), heipanda (8)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 24
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 43
Chosen by: VierasTalo (9), Gerru (10), Nykรค (5), m08221196 (9), Pepri (4), Noodles (5), Harmonica (1)
Previous rank: 46 (โ25)
IMDB top 250 rank: 193
johanlefourbe's rating:

Donnie Darko (2001)

Points: 42
Chosen by: JCase (6), Noitpecni (1), WikusVanMerwe (8), DeathlyHallows (7), NemuiN (10), PowerGirl (10)
Previous rank: 25 (โ3)
IMDB top 250 rank: 177
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 39
Chosen by: Orpheus Anathema (5), Fortunato (9), TheNameless (6), Maggie (7), NemuiN (6), diabolical dr voodoo (6)
Previous rank: 49 (โ26)
IMDB top 250 rank: 145
johanlefourbe's rating:

12 Angry Men (1957)

Points: 38
Chosen by: propelas (5), Mihail (7), Nakki (8), Kris (1), TheNameless (9), Wendel (3), Happy Vader (2), Tiiviste (3)
Previous rank: 14 (โ10)
IMDB top 250 rank: 6
johanlefourbe's rating:

Amรฉlie (2001)

Points: 38
Chosen by: jaytoast (10), Yurienu (6), salappa (5), RRoxx (2), Happy Vader (9), Sarah Raquel (6)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 66
johanlefourbe's rating:

GoodFellas (1990)

Points: 35
Chosen by: brawljeff (1), Severin Severin (7), Justinvdk (6), The Cinephile (9), TrekMedic (9), vai_tu_22 (2), Logran (1)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 15
johanlefourbe's rating:

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Points: 35
Chosen by: DuckNation (3), the giraffe (1), Severin Severin (9), Willian =D (4), Stella (10), Regina Phalange (8)
Previous rank: 13 (โ14)
IMDB top 250 rank: 62
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 35
Chosen by: - WreckMe - (3), Mihail (3), Nakki (9), Banaanipalmu (7), diabolical dr voodoo (9), Harmonica (4)
Previous rank: 23 (โ5)
IMDB top 250 rank: 22
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 35
Chosen by: brawljeff (10), salappa (10), phillydude (6), Sarah Raquel (9)
Previous rank: 92 (โ63)
IMDB top 250 rank: 8
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 34
Chosen by: Aprakadabra (9), Happy Vader (4), PvtCaboose91 (7), PowerGirl (7), Ice_Cold (7)
Previous rank: 48 (โ18)
IMDB top 250 rank: 103
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 33
Chosen by: phillydude (9), BradWesley123 (7), GigaBeer (8), lotr23 (3), Logran (4), diabolical dr voodoo (2)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 25
johanlefourbe's rating:

Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Points: 33
Chosen by: the giraffe (7), jaytoast (9), Banaanipalmu (6), Happy Vader (8), Noodles (3)
Previous rank: 65 (โ33)
IMDB top 250 rank: 32
johanlefourbe's rating:

Seven (1995)

Points: 32
Chosen by: RRoxx (4), BAMF (9), NemuiN (5), JohnDoeRules (10), vai_tu_22 (4)
Previous rank: 20 (โ13)
IMDB top 250 rank: 23
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Rules of the Game (1939)

Points: 32
Chosen by: Ruisperkele (8), Nykรค (8), Mustanaamio7 (7), Banaanipalmu (5), micdag (4)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked

Points: 32
Chosen by: Yurienu (5), Kris (9), Fimc14 (9), meganfan (9)
Previous rank: 53 (โ18)
IMDB top 250 rank: 179
johanlefourbe's rating:

Gone with the Wind (1939)

Points: 31
Chosen by: phillydude (7), biggdogg (3), DeathlyHallows (5), Fimc14 (8), meganfan (8)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 159
johanlefourbe's rating:

Ordet (1955)

Points: 31
Chosen by: Nykรค (2), bob loblaw (9), Kankku (10), Wendel (10)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
Taxi Driver (1976)

Points: 30
Chosen by: Orpheus Anathema (9), Severin Severin (3), Pepri (5), moviewatcher122 (4), vai_tu_22 (1), Noodles (8)
Previous rank: 28 (โ10)
IMDB top 250 rank: 54
johanlefourbe's rating:

Sin City (2005)

Points: 30
Chosen by: brawljeff (5), FG93 (9), Logran (8), Ice_Cold (8)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 137
johanlefourbe's rating:

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Points: 29
Chosen by: DuckNation (4), garfield2710 (1), FG93 (3), biggdogg (5), TrekMedic (6), PvtCaboose91 (3), PowerGirl (3), Sarah Raquel (4)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 37
johanlefourbe's rating:

Apocalypse Now (1979)

Points: 27
Chosen by: Aprakadabra (6), Severin Severin (4), Ozzy the Film Freck (3), - WreckMe - (5), Aldenvdk (9)
Previous rank: 80 (โ39)
IMDB top 250 rank: 35
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 27
Chosen by: Ozzy the Film Freck (7), RRoxx (3), TheNameless (8), jedidarrick (9)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 85
johanlefourbe's rating:

L'Atalante (1934)

Points: 26
Chosen by: Nykรค (7), Mustanaamio7 (5), Kankku (4), Wendel (5), LoverOfFreedom (5)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 25
Chosen by: salappa (2), Nakki (4), Tino (7), lotr23 (10), Noodles (2)
Previous rank: 43 (โ1)
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
johanlefourbe's rating:

Gladiator (2000)

Points: 25
Chosen by: brawljeff (7), JCase (8), RRoxx (5), Stehako (5)
Previous rank: 30 (โ15)
IMDB top 250 rank: 64
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 25
Chosen by: El Raulo (10), m08221196 (3), Wendel (7), Regina Phalange (5)
Previous rank: 67 (โ21)
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
Funny Games (1997)

Points: 25
Chosen by: johanlefourbe (7), Yurienu (8), Happy Vader (10)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: not ranked
johanlefourbe's rating:

Into the Wild (2007)

Points: 25
Chosen by: salappa (9), shia. (6), Astrid Leonor (10)
Previous rank: 35 (โ13)
IMDB top 250 rank: 160
johanlefourbe's rating:

Points: 24
Chosen by: propelas (3), JCase (4), m08221196 (1), Hard2Get (6), Happy Vader (6), heipanda (4)
Previous rank: 59 (โ10)
IMDB top 250 rank: 172
johanlefourbe's rating:

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Points: 22
Chosen by: garfield2710 (10), Fortunato (5), AVPGuyver21 (7)
Previous rank: new entry
IMDB top 250 rank: 70
johanlefourbe's rating:

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Yes, it is once again time for our yearly tradition. What is the best movie, according to you, Listal member? What are you waiting for?!? VOTE!!!!
Check the previous editions :
- Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die
- Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2011)
- Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2012)
Listal members involved :
1. johanlefourbe
2. Michael M
3. brawljeff
4. DuckNation
5. the giraffe
6. Bml93
7. jaytoast
8. Vanter
9. propelas
10. Aprakadabra
11. mateus1987
12. Yurienu
13. Orpheus Anathema
14. JCase
15. ๅด้ๆฆฎ
16. garfield2710
17. El Raulo
18. Severin Severin
19. Ozzy the Film Freck
20. Comisarul Moldovan
21. salappa
22. Justinvdk
23. RRoxx
24. - WreckMe -
25. VierasTalo
26. Willian =D
27. Ryan P.
28. Gerru
29. Mihail
30. Ruisperkele
31. Nakki
32. Nykรค
33. Mustanaamio7
34. Noitpecni
35. m08221196
36. WikusVanMerwe
37. Erehps
38. thenoah
39. Stella
40. Fortunato
41. Hard2Get
42. Tino
43. Kris
44. Pummi
45. popguns
46. Pepri
47. phillydude
48. Ultimateone
49. The Cinephile
50. BradWesley123
51. billycostigan
52. shia.
53. The O.P.
54. TheNameless
55. Juize
56. milica
57. bob loblaw
58. Banaanipalmu
59. Kankku
60. FG93
61. Wendel
62. biggdogg
63. Happy Vader
64. LoverOfFreedom
65. moviewatcher122
66. DeathlyHallows
67. Aldenvdk
68. mirinbuddy
69. Tiiviste
70. Fimc14
71. BAMF
72. AVPGuyver21
73. meganfan
74. GigaBeer
75. TrekMedic
76. Maggie
77. Dhiraj Shah
78. PvtCaboose91
79. NemuiN
80. JohnDoeRules
81. PowerGirl
82. Mr. Saturn
83. rogercastoro
84. Astrid Leonor
85. lotr23
86. vai_tu_22
87. Logran
88. Sarah Raquel
89. Jpit
90. diabolical dr voodoo
91. jedidarrick
92. Stehako
93. heipanda
94. Ice_Cold
95. Noodles
96. Gab
97. Regina Phalange
98. vitoc
99. Harmonica
100. micdag
Here are the rules :
- Anyone is allowed to participate (you have to be a legitimate Listal members though, no bogus account allowed).
- You have to provide 10 movies, the first one being your favorite movie of all time. The first movie you picked get 10 points, the last one get 1 point.
- If you mention a franchise such as 'The Godfather', 'Harry Potter' or 'The Lord of The Rings' without specifying which installment you want, all the points will go to the first installment of the concerned franchise.
- Only the 100 first reactions will be included.
- When the 2 movies have the same amount of points, the movie with the most voters go ahead.
- When the 2 movies have the same amount of points and voters, the first movie added go ahead.
Check the previous editions :
- Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die
- Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2011)
- Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2012)
Listal members involved :
1. johanlefourbe
2. Michael M
3. brawljeff
4. DuckNation
5. the giraffe
6. Bml93
7. jaytoast
8. Vanter
9. propelas
10. Aprakadabra
11. mateus1987
12. Yurienu
13. Orpheus Anathema
14. JCase
15. ๅด้ๆฆฎ
16. garfield2710
17. El Raulo
18. Severin Severin
19. Ozzy the Film Freck
20. Comisarul Moldovan
21. salappa
22. Justinvdk
23. RRoxx
24. - WreckMe -
25. VierasTalo
26. Willian =D
27. Ryan P.
28. Gerru
29. Mihail
30. Ruisperkele
31. Nakki
32. Nykรค
33. Mustanaamio7
34. Noitpecni
35. m08221196
36. WikusVanMerwe
37. Erehps
38. thenoah
39. Stella
40. Fortunato
41. Hard2Get
42. Tino
43. Kris
44. Pummi
45. popguns
46. Pepri
47. phillydude
48. Ultimateone
49. The Cinephile
50. BradWesley123
51. billycostigan
52. shia.
53. The O.P.
54. TheNameless
55. Juize
56. milica
57. bob loblaw
58. Banaanipalmu
59. Kankku
60. FG93
61. Wendel
62. biggdogg
63. Happy Vader
64. LoverOfFreedom
65. moviewatcher122
66. DeathlyHallows
67. Aldenvdk
68. mirinbuddy
69. Tiiviste
70. Fimc14
71. BAMF
72. AVPGuyver21
73. meganfan
74. GigaBeer
75. TrekMedic
76. Maggie
77. Dhiraj Shah
78. PvtCaboose91
79. NemuiN
80. JohnDoeRules
81. PowerGirl
82. Mr. Saturn
83. rogercastoro
84. Astrid Leonor
85. lotr23
86. vai_tu_22
87. Logran
88. Sarah Raquel
89. Jpit
90. diabolical dr voodoo
91. jedidarrick
92. Stehako
93. heipanda
94. Ice_Cold
95. Noodles
96. Gab
97. Regina Phalange
98. vitoc
99. Harmonica
100. micdag
Added to
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