Good Guy or Bad Guy?
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Good Guy
Red Dead Redemption - PlayStation 3
Not sure why, but I had no desire to be a bad guy in this game...Maybe it's because the wildlife was enough of a threat to my survival and I didn't want the pain of the law hunting me down added onto that, but in Red Dead Redemption, I was a good little lad.
ape's rating:

BioShock - Xbox 360
There's no real difference in being a good guy or bad guy here aside from slightly different dialogue and ending based on your alignment...I just enjoy saving children rather than, well, murdering them, basically.
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Mass Effect - Xbox 360
Like Red Dead, not sure why I chose to be the good guy here. But I've played through this game twice, and both times, without meaning to, I ended up down the path of Mr. Nice Guy.
ape's rating:

Mass Effect 2 - PlayStation 3
There's something about the Mass Effect games...I really have no desire to be evil. It's weird. I always end up being one of those paragon fellows....And I also always end up sleeping with aliens.
ape's rating:

Mass Effect 3 - PlayStation 3
The Mass Effect good guy streak has continued on...As has the adult relations with alien species....Though it seems like your actions really have little to no effect on anything in the game, aside from the ending....Which seems to have nothing to do with your alignment so much as it has to do with the final decision that you make....So, your choices during the course of the three games don't really have a "mass" effect, now do they? Oh, yeah. I went there.
ape's rating:

Fable III - Xbox 360
Fable was a game where I always really, really enjoyed being a bad guy. Fable II continued in that trend. Then I played this and was very disappointed that it was less fun to continue my evil ways in this game. The game is also more challenging at the end if you remain good, which motivated me to continue on down the path of good since the majority of the game is a real breeze to beat...And usually in a boring sort of way. But anyway, Fable III ended my reign of terror on Albion. Hopefully the next Fable game will entice me to rejoin the dark side.
ape's rating:

Bad Guy
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen - Super famicom and SNES
Because I chose to spend time leveling up my armies, I often found myself beating up on weaker armies in the game, which the game takes as sending you down the path of evil, since you're picking on the weak.
ape's rating:

Fable - Xbox
I can't play this game as a good guy. I just can't. I try, and I end up being evil. I end up breaking into houses, stealing items, and murdering people...Heck, I've murdered folks just so their house would go up for sale so I could buy it. And yes, I sided with the bully in the beginning of the game and socked that whiny brat right in the eye.
ape's rating:

Fable II - Xbox 360
Just like with the original Fable, I just have too much fun being evil that I can't even imagine being good. I've made the effort, but I can't steal and murder as a good guy...So the attempt ultimately ends in failure.
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Fallout 3 - PlayStation 3
Same with Fable, I just enjoy pick pocketing and breaking into houses to steal stuff. My particular favorite is stealing from a store at night, then coming back later that morning to sell the stolen items back to the store they were stolen from. I also enjoy the old "plant a landmine in their pants" gag when someone in-game sasses me. I can't do this stuff as a good guy, which is why I've got no desire to be one in the Wasteland.
ape's rating:

Fallout: New Vegas - PlayStation 3
Name the reasons listed for Fallout 3, then add in the ability to lead a robot army and assassinate the president of the Wasteland USA, and you've got even more reasons to be a bit of a jerk during the course of the game.
ape's rating:

Silent Hill: Downpour - PlayStation 3
Apparently, killing the disfigured creatures trying to murder you is a bad thing, as the more you murder, the "badder" you are...Even if you're extremely nice with every other aspect of your game. In order to be a good guy in Downpour, not only do you have to be nice to the few folks that you meet, but you also have to avoid killing things. I'm not against that, I just never really thought of fleeing when chopping down a screamer with an axe is so much gosh darn fun.
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Shin Megami Tensei - Super famicom and SNES
Shin Megami Tensei may be the first game to allow the character to choose an alignment that had a direct impact on the game and ending. The beauty of it? None of them are necessarily good or evil as the choices are Chaos, Neutral, and Law....And all three are both good and evil in their own ways, depending on your personal point of view of what's right and wrong. That being said, I'm usually right down the middle in the Neutral part of the game, unless I adjust to one alignment or another in an attempt to recruit a demon friend.
ape's rating:

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - PlayStation 2
I've beaten this game a few times, but most often with the Neutral alignment. Quite frankly, I'm not a huge fan of the worlds my 'friends' in the game want to create...As a result, I go down my own, neutral path and create the world the way I want to. I'm a rebel and a loner, Dottie.
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Chaos Alignment
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked... - Nintendo 3DS
Like mentioned above, the Shin Megami Tensei series determines alignment differently, with no clear-cut 'good' or 'bad' alignment, leaving it up to the interpretation of the player to figure out what side is good and what side is bad. That being said, in Devil Survivor, I found myself in the Chaos alignment...The alignment that sympathizes with the demons...And hey, with Black Frost as a recruitable group leader, can you really blame me? Hearing adorable, high-pitched "hee hoo's" while Black Frost taunted enemies was more than enough reason for being Chaos.
ape's rating:

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey - Nintendo DS
Another SMT game where I chose the path of Chaos. I usually like to go down the path of Neutral on the Megami Tensei games, but the angels really made me not want the world that they wanted to form...Sounded a bit like slavery to me...So, I went a tad overboard with my decisions to ensure that there'd be no way of me ending up on the Law side of things....And sure enough, the final few battles against the angels made me feel as if my decision was a correct one.
ape's rating:

This is more of a personal list to reference what alignment I took when playing games that have such a mechanic in them. Was I a good guy? A bad guy? Neutral? I dunno. That's why I made the list, ya dig?
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