Favorite TV Shows and Watch-list
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Watched Completely
I didn't include gameswipe.
The Decalogue (2010)
Stanley Kubrick on The Decalogue :

I made a list for all the Dekalog films.
I am always reluctant to single out some particular feature of the work of a major filmmaker because it tends inevitably to simplify and reduce the work. But in this book of screenplays by Krzysztof Kieslowski and his co-author, Krzysztof Piesiewicz, it should not be out of place to observe that they have the very rare ability to dramatize their ideas rather than just talking about them. By making their points through the dramatic action of the story they gain the added power of allowing the audience to discover what's really going on rather than being told. They do this with such dazzling skill, you never see the ideas coming and don't realize until much later how profoundly they have reached your heart.

I made a list for all the Dekalog films.
Mr. Saturn's rating:

Six Feet Under (2001)
Six Feet Under isn't perfect, but the emotional depth of the characters is unique and I haven't cried more during a show except The Decalogue.

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (★★★★)
The movie can be seen as taking place before the 22nd and 23rd episode, or even after the series; the film was made after the series and should be seen afterwards to avoid messing up the pacing of the series.
The movie can be seen as taking place before the 22nd and 23rd episode, or even after the series; the film was made after the series and should be seen afterwards to avoid messing up the pacing of the series.

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Paranoia Agent (2004)

After watching Paranoia Agent I recommend reading this insightful article about how Paranoia Agent is about life in post-WWII Japan.
Mr. Saturn's rating:

Deadwood (2004)
Deadwood was canceled, but the show doesn't end abruptly or unsatisfactorily. Unfortunately, the two tv movies will probably never be made.

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Berserk (1997)
The first three Golden Arc films pretty much summarize the anime, but there's a little bit more at the end, and sequels are planned.

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Seinfeld is worth watching even if you hate laugh tracks. After the show you should watch Curb Your Enthusiasm starring and written by Larry David, who wrote most of the episodes. Season 7 of Curb is about him directing a Seinfeld reunion, and you should at least watch the fake Seinfeld reunion.

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Star Trek: Generations (★★★)
Star Trek: First Contact (★★★☆)
Star Trek: Insurrection (★★★)
Star Trek: Nemesis (★★★)
Season 1 will be released on blu-ray in 2012; you can read more on the Star Trek website.
Star Trek: First Contact (★★★☆)
Star Trek: Insurrection (★★★)
Star Trek: Nemesis (★★★)
Season 1 will be released on blu-ray in 2012; you can read more on the Star Trek website.

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)
The first season of Deep Space Nine occurs during the end of The Next Generation and there is some story overlap: Wikipedia has the chronological viewing order. The series won't be less enjoyable if you already watched the entire TNG series.

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Mr. Saturn's rating:

Watched Partially

Ongoing Series
Mr. Saturn's rating:

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