100 Years, 100 Cataclysms (By Vote+)
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The Top 10
This is an odd one, but there's more of a market for it in cinema than you may think. Receptions to this sort of genre run the gamut, half the time it seems as though studios simply don't know what else to do with leftover budget from higher-profile productions, so they stick a bunch of extras, with a few semi-capable leading men and women, and push the bankruptcy limit with CGI effects and stunt-work. Regardless, there's a reason I have a soft spot for this genre (read below) and I felt it topically relevant for an era where the environment has never been in worse shape than it is now.
Each voter gets to list 10 movies, your #1 gets 10 points, while your #10 gets 1 point. You get the idea!
There are NO LIMITS on how many times you may vote, or how many times you may pick the same movie(s) when you do.
I chose to include this one because believe it or not, this is a genre favorite of my mom's. All you gotta do is show her the trailer, it doesn't matter how much the picture is gonna suck, she's already got her tickets! --In case you haven't figured it out, this list is genre exclusive to the subject of natural disasters in movies. Floods, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, big-budget scale production values--you get the idea. Sadly, this genre generally isn't well received by audiences and critics, probably cause the odds of success are a huger gamble than any other subgenre. Most of these movies turn out to be excruciatingly corny, that's my observation anyway. But my family 'luves' these, perhaps it has something to do with the unbiased deliverance of apocalyptic retribution by forces outside of our control or general awareness. Basically, natural disaster movies are where NATURE... KICKS... ASS!!!
My reasons for making this list are simple:
1) I have no life. (And what 'life' I do have, it helps take my mind off things.)
2) It gives me ideas for 'movie night', plus gives the public a voice for popular demand.
I chose to remove all restrictions on how many times you may vote because it helps keep traffic up on the list. Also, if it seems as though I'm repeating myself many times over, it's because not everyone has seen my previous lists. (So the rules and reasons may need repeating.)
100 Years, 100 Passions (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Laughs (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 "Boos!" (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 WTFs? (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Doomsdays (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Taboos (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Fights (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Memories (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Futures (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Final Frontiers (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Imaginations (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Moving Pictures (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Paradoxes (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Critters (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Melodies (By Vote+)
Each voter gets to list 10 movies, your #1 gets 10 points, while your #10 gets 1 point. You get the idea!
There are NO LIMITS on how many times you may vote, or how many times you may pick the same movie(s) when you do.
I chose to include this one because believe it or not, this is a genre favorite of my mom's. All you gotta do is show her the trailer, it doesn't matter how much the picture is gonna suck, she's already got her tickets! --In case you haven't figured it out, this list is genre exclusive to the subject of natural disasters in movies. Floods, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, big-budget scale production values--you get the idea. Sadly, this genre generally isn't well received by audiences and critics, probably cause the odds of success are a huger gamble than any other subgenre. Most of these movies turn out to be excruciatingly corny, that's my observation anyway. But my family 'luves' these, perhaps it has something to do with the unbiased deliverance of apocalyptic retribution by forces outside of our control or general awareness. Basically, natural disaster movies are where NATURE... KICKS... ASS!!!
My reasons for making this list are simple:
1) I have no life. (And what 'life' I do have, it helps take my mind off things.)
2) It gives me ideas for 'movie night', plus gives the public a voice for popular demand.
I chose to remove all restrictions on how many times you may vote because it helps keep traffic up on the list. Also, if it seems as though I'm repeating myself many times over, it's because not everyone has seen my previous lists. (So the rules and reasons may need repeating.)
100 Years, 100 Passions (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Laughs (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 "Boos!" (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 WTFs? (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Doomsdays (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Taboos (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Fights (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Memories (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Futures (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Final Frontiers (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Imaginations (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Moving Pictures (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Paradoxes (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Critters (By Vote+)
100 Years, 100 Melodies (By Vote+)
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100 Years, 100 Doomsdays (By Vote+)
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