Underworld: Awakening (2012)
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
list by VierasTalo
list by Green.Tissue.Box
list by Suspiria98
Underworld: Awakening Videos
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It's a whole lot of fun...
With the insipid Twilight phenomenon currently in full force, nothing could be more welcome than 2012's Underworld: Awakening; a film which abandons the metrosexual image of werewolves and vampires in favour of something more agreeably badass. Those seeking so... read more
An average movie
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"Reason for the future sucking: Still even yet, the battle continues with now humans getting involved. Year it takes place: Unknown"
“The fourth installment in the "Underworld" franchise gives us a twelve year time leap thus excusing itself of the obvious loss of of its lead characters (Scott Speedman's Michael Corvin) and instead focuses on the outcome of genetic tampering of his DNA and Selene (Kate Beckinsale), namely a daughter that is the target of both vampire and Lycan attention in a world that has driven both species near to extinction in the aftermath of the "Underworld: Evolution". Sounds heady and over-convoluted but, trust me, it it isn't.
No, unlike the overwrought and unnecessarily over-complicated plot of "Evolution" (which this chronologically follows) this installment is blissfully simple. This frees the viewer to stop wrestling with the ridiculous leaps in logic, retconning, and plot holes of” read more
"Flickering lights and ugly CGI things in darkness. I don't know why I watched this... I haven't seen any of the other ones. I've seen parts of them, thought. But these movies don't look that interesting to me so I had stopped watching in 10 minutes or so. This time I just looked at the Tv and had no idea what was happening on the screen and I had no interest finding out. This was enough Underworld for me. I had to check the trailer to be sure that I put the right movie from the series on the lis"
"29.4. Lomien takia kommentit tulevat viiveellä, jonka vuoksi ne ovat lyhyitä. En tosiaan tästä muista muuta kuin, että taas oltiin Residenti Evilin matkimisen jäljillä, ja sininen yöfiltteri on muuten ollut näissä kaikissa ihan tajuttoman ruma."