Tom at the Farm (Tom à la ferme) (2013)
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A good movie

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"Freddo thriller di attrazioni (omo)sessuali e inconfessabili verità: le tempistiche e molte delle inquadrature avrebbero deliziato Hitchcock - tutti i personaggi nascondono il proprio io ma gli altri in qualche modo lo conoscono - e compensano in abbondanza qualche inciampo nelle dinamiche dei personaggi (soprattutto la finta fidanzata Sarah). Dolan è bravo a costruire situazioni di estrema tensione con pochissimi elementi (il ballo, lo scontro di primi piani a tre, il racconto dlel barman) e "
“It's hard to describe this film. "Tom at the Farm"is like a poetry,spiritual feeling, the film is mixed-genre drama/thriller/comedy... sometimes it lo”
“It's hard to describe this film. "Tom at the Farm"is like a poetry,spiritual feeling, the film is mixed-genre drama/thriller/comedy... sometimes it lo”
“For this 4th directing effort, in my opinion, Xavier Dolan made a slight step-down. I mean, it wasn't a bad movie, I did like it just like his other features, it's just that it was the one that impressed me the least so far. Still, there was a lot to enjoy here. First of all, after stepping back for 'Laurence Anyway', Dolan himself was again playing the lead and, once again, I thought he was quite spellbinding to behold. Eventually, what I enjoyed the most was how he mixed the genres and, here, sometimes, it felt like a nail-biting thriller which was really sweet. At the end of the day, what didn't really work for me with this movie was that the motivations of the characters, especially Tom and Francis, remained too murky throughout the whole thing. Indeed, I didn't see any reason why Tom ” read more