Batman and Mr. Freeze: SubZero (Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero) (1998)
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Batman and Mr. Freeze: SubZero Videos
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"Batman & Mr Freeze: SubZero" (1998)
Of all the animated Batman movies, this is probably the one I was most looking forward to seeing. So imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be far more childish than I was expecting. The premise just seemed like a typical kids' movie setup to me, and everything about the dialogue and tone just enhanced that. One of my major problems with it is that Freeze ... read more
No Cheesy Puns Here, Just Good Storytelling

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" First Viewing Viewing Date: September 5th Via: Blu-ray Plot: When Mr. Freeze, desperate to save his dying wife, kidnaps Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) as an involuntary organ donor, Batman and Robin must find her before the operation can begin. Rating: 7.2/10 Why Did I Watch It? After revisiting Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, I felt I should finally watch this next film in the series."
No Cheesy Puns Here, Just Good Storytelling
“Mr. Freeze's wife needs an organ transplant and Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl, is the only acceptable blood match. So Freeze kidnaps her while she's on a date with Dick Grayson, aka Robin. Batman and Robin race against time to rescue Barbara before it's too late. Very good animated movie that's miles better than Joel Schumacher's craptacular movie that also featured Mr. Freeze and Batgirl, released not long before this. What might surprise some is that Batman is largely absent from the first half of this. It still works, though, due to the great characterizations and writing. Although this is nowhere near as strong as the award-winning "Heart of Ice" episode of Batman: The Animated Series. That episode was the best Mr. Freeze story ever told in any form of media. This is still a very enjoyab” read more

"3.1 Toisin kuin Phantasm, tämä tuntuu enemmän vain pidennetyltä televisiosarjan jaksolta. Toki Pakkasherran traagista tarinaa katsoo mielellään lisää, sillä sarjassa hänellä oli aikaa olla parrasvaloissa vain ruhtinaalliset kolme jaksoa. Animaatio hyödyntää joissain toiminnallisissa kohtauksissa todella rumia ja huonosti vanhentuneita 3D-mallinnuksia, jotka saavat 90-luvun videopelien välianimaatiotkin näyttämään vakuuttavammilta."