Sphere (1998)
list by Vandelay

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list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz

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Sphere (1998) Videos
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An average movie
UPC: 085391533122

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" The other Michael Crichton film to be released this decade, that didn’t have cloned dinosaurs, Demi Moore, or a talking gorilla. Maybe this is why it sunk at the box office? A spaceship is discovered under three hundred years' worth of coral growth at the bottom of the ocean. Even with Barry Levinson as a director, a star studded cast and a Michael Crichton adaptation, the movie was still shipwrecked."

"Reason why the future sucks: You’re on a sub, and just discovered a mind altering orb, capable of showing your worst fears. Year it takes place: 1998ish. "

" Norman Goodman "MANIFEST! MANIFEST! He made it happen. It's not that different from a child. A child imagines something that believes its real and its not there, but with Harry, He not only makes it real from himself, he makes real for all of us.""

" Sharon Stone as Dr. Elizabeth 'Beth' Halperin"

" TITLE OF WRITTEN WORK: SpherePUBLISHED FORMAT: novel AUTHOR/CREATOR: Michael CrichtonORIGINAL PUBLICATION YEAR: 1987 HAVE I READ: Yes NOTES: A lot of people hated the film adaptation here, but I loved it. The only thing I didn't like was the ending. They just forget?! "

"29 May. Quite the thriller it was before but lamed with age. A team of specialists are assembled to investigate an alien spacecraft several leagues under the sea. Based on a Michael Crichton novel and directed by Barry Levinson doesn't quite capture on camera the paranoia it intends, and acting nears laughable. "

"23.1, Netflix Sphere ei odotuksieni vastaisesti ollutkaan suoraviivaista scifi-lahtausta, vaan suhteellisen fiksu ja kiinnostava tarina merenpohjaan iskeytyneestä avaruusaluksesta ja tutkijoista. PG-13-merkinnän alla olevan Spheren ilmapiiri on välillä, etenkin uhkaaviksi tarkoitetuissa kohtauksissa, vähän epäuskottava, mutta elokuvan suurimmaksi vahvuudeksi nousee käsikirjoitus, joka tajuaa olla paljastamatta liikaa ja täten antaa myös katsojalle pientä spekuloinnin vapautta ja tunn"