Race with the Devil (1975)
list by ToonHead2102

list by JayTrotter

Race with the Devil (1975) Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
UPC: 013131298499

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"2.1, PC Warren Oates ja Peter Fonda emäntineen todistavat lomaillessaan satanistisen murhan ja joutuvat kultin häiriköitäviksi. Pettymyksekseni tässä ei ollut nimeksikään southern gothic -tunnelmointia, mutta kaahailuosuudet ovat varsin viihdyttäviä ja Oatesin ja Fondan läsnäolo toimii tässä aika lailla kantavana voimana."

" RACE WITH THE DEVIL Kathy. Total Score: 7 points. "

"Drive away. Far away. If you see a ritual taking place, don't investigate it. "

" For an American paralyzed by the fear of Black Sabbath, The Excorcist, and horror comics, Race with the Devil arrived at the right time to stir up anxiety about heaven's most famous fallen angel. The everyman characters do not know who to trust, and Leonard Roseman's demented score adds to the creepiness. "

" Director: Jack Starrett Starring: Peter Fonda, Warren Oates, Loretta Swit, Lara Parker and R.G Armstrong Frank and Roger and their wives take off for Colorado in an RV, looking forward to some skiing and dirt biking. While camping en route, they witness a Satanic ritual sacrifice but the local sheriff finds no evidence to support their claims and urges them to continue on their vacation. On the way, however, they find themselves repeatedly attacked by cult members and they take measures to d"