Orca: The Killer Whale (Orca)
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Orca: The Killer Whale Videos
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Enormously cheesy and at times incompetent
UPC: 097360893540
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"Nature never forgives or forgets. Why do you think, they are called killer whales?"
" Date: 12/3/2020 Viewed: Blu-Ray (Scream Factory) Re-Watch Note: I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid and I recently bought the Scream Factory Blu-Ray on Amazon during their Cyber Monday sale. Orca is not my favorite killer animal movie from the 70s, but I still consider it to be a decent movie. Scream Factory did a wonderful job of restoring this movie in 1080p in my opinion. The clear and crisp picture makes the movie more stunning to watch. This movie has plenty of wonderful nature s"
"4.9. Kalastaja-aluksen kapteenia esittÀvÀ Richard Harris innostuu haireissulla miekkavalaiden metsÀstÀmisestÀ niin, ettÀ pÀÀttÀÀ antaa ysÀrileffalle aiheen sellaisen vapauttamiseksi. Homma lÀhtee huonosti tÀhdÀtyn harppuunan vuoksi vÀhÀn lapasesta, kun kohteena olleen yksilön evÀÀn tulee reikÀ ja sen lÀpi matkannut ammus lÀvistÀÀ kohteen kumppanin. Puoliso sitten ui pikkujekutuksen vuoksi potkureihin ja pamauttaa groteskin sikiön aluksen kannelle. Kaikkea tÀydentÀÀ t"
Enormously cheesy and at times incompetent
“Produced by Italian filmmaking luminary Dino De Laurentiis, 1977's Orca: The Killer Whale represents a brazen attempt to capitalize on the astonishing success of Steven Spielberg's 1975 blockbuster Jaws. In addition, this particular film goes one step further by ostensibly incorporating elements of "Moby Dick," as it pits a boat captain against a killer whale. From an ironic standpoint, a certain degree of entertainment value can be derived from the enormously cheesy and at times incompetent Orca, but it's borderline impossible to defend this cult curiosity as a serious motion picture. Despite the efforts of director Michael Anderson (Logan's Run), the movie is so far removed from the spine-tingling horror and enduring effectiveness of Jaws, even though it was created with a comparable bud” read more
" First Viewing Viewing Date: January 6th Via: Blu-ray Plot: A hunter squares off against a killer whale seeking vengeance for the death of its mate. Rating: 5.6/10 You can read my review here"
" Directed By Micheal Anderson Starring Richard Harris / Charlotte Rampling / Bo Derek Will Sampson / Keenan Wynn / Robert Carradine "