list by JayTrotter

list by propelas

Margaret Videos
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An average movie

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" Date: 8/12/2020 Viewed: Amazon Prime Rental First viewing Note: I never heard of this movie until recently when it was picked for this week's movie for Film Club. This movie was shot during the mid-2000s (You can tell by watching it) and it didn't get released until several years later in 2011. I rented the 3-hour cut from Amazon Prime and I decided to give it a watch. I really wanted to like this movie, but I didn't because I could not get invested in the story at all. The movie has charac"

" I can only adore and love how well Kenneth Lonergan handles trauma in this film. The subjects are close to the everyday life, people are relatable and Anna Paquin is remarkalbe as the main character. One could call Margaret a minimalistic masterpiece without being wrong. Heartbreaking, very underappriciated film."

"Sept 16th A fairly disjointed and uneven film but still very interesting to watch. Captures the post 9-11 feeling. Its very hard to gauge where the film is going at any given time as it tends to jump all over the place without any real flow or purpose. It is not Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia for instance. But it is still interesting for its unpredictability. Anna Paquin's character is impossible to read. My feeling is that she is a possibly a sociopath."

"27.5. Lonergan on hieno mies ja Margaret on hieno elokuva. Tapa, jolla traumoja lähdetään käsittelemään pysäyttää ja tyrmää täysin. Nuoren naisen maailma, nuorten ja aikuisten maailman kohtaaminen. Paquin on roolissaan mitä täydellisin."

"27 January. First of all, Lisa is the name of the lead character and not Margaret (they thought it would be more poetic). Anna Paquin is the center of this well-made drama of a young woman who was responsible for a pedestrian’s death, and went on to set things right. Her role is very well written and developed magnificently onscreen. The whole movie clocks in at 2 hours (plus change), because of extended shots, but those shots are what gave this film its character. The outstanding supporting c"