La Dolce Vita (La dolce Vita) (1960)
list by upidipi
list by propelas
list by The Wolf
list by ToonHead2102
La Dolce Vita Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
A classic
UPC: 741952301295
Update feed
" 2020: 657 2019: 664 2018: 665 2017: 659 2016: 653 2015: 644 2014: 635 2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "
" 2019: 664 2018: 665 2017: 659 2016: 653 2015: 644 2014: 635 2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "
" 2018: 665 2017: 659 2016: 653 2015: 644 2014: 635 2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "
" 2017: 659 2016: 653 2015: 644 2014: 635 2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "
"Un grupo de ricos italianos excéntricos se la pasan haciendo cosas bizarras y moralmente cuestionables porque pueden. Otra obra para “intelectuales”."
" 2016: 653 2015: 644 2014: 635 2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "
"2015: 644 2014: 635 2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "
" Notes: To be honest, the first time I watched it, even though I did like it, I can't say it really blew me away but maybe I was too young or not smart enough at the time to properly appreciate this masterpiece. Unfortunately, even after rewatching this movie after all these years, I still struggled to connect with the damned thing. I mean, what was it supposed to be really about? Was it to show how tedious and trivial the night life was in Roma back in those days? Furthermore, it all felt seri"
" Notes: To be honest, the first time I watched it, even though I did like it, I can't say it really blew me away but maybe I was too young or not smart enough at the time to properly appreciate this masterpiece. Unfortunately, even after rewatching this movie after all these years, I still struggled to connect with the damned thing. I mean, what was it supposed to be really about? Was it to show how tedious and trivial the night life was in Roma back in those days? Furthermore, it all felt seri"
"2014: 635 2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "
"2013: 636 2012: 630 2011: 613 2010: 604 2009: 590 "