Dogtooth (Kynodontas) (2009)
list by The Wolf
list by natha3l
list by ToonHead2102
Dogtooth Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
An average movie
It sounds rude but it felt like a waste of time, and I felt obligated to see it through to the end even though my desire was already down.
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" "Soon your mother will give birth to two children and a dog." Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos Written by Yorgos Lanthimos and Efthimis Filippou Music by Cinematography by Thimios Bakatakis Editing by Yorgos Mavropsaridis "
“The premise at first sounds very interesting and appealing, but when you see the movie it's boring, it moves slowly and doesn't have much to tell.
It sounds rude but it felt like a waste of time, and I felt obligated to see it through to the end even though my desire was already down.” read more
"13.9. Tallenne Aivan mahtavaa, kuinka elokuva onnistuu olemaan vielä aidosti hämmentävä. Elokuvan aikana ja heti jälkeen on selvää, että pidin todella paljon, mutta miksi, vaatii kypsyttelyä. Tekninen puoli on toki selvä peli. Kulmahammas ei itsessään ole ilkeä, vaikka sen pääpariskunnan toimet ovat hirveitä. Ilmaisu on kliinisyydessään neutraalia, jolla on oleellinen merkitys tunnelman häiritsevyyteen. Tapahtumien absurdius taas tekee kokonaisuudesta hyvin synkällä tavalla"
" Date: 8/10/2020 Viewed: Shudder First viewing Note: I have never seen any movies from Yorgos Lanthimos and I know nothing about him other than that he makes movies that many people love. I decided to watch Dogtooth as my first movie from Yorgos Lanthimos because I've always been curious to check out this movie for the last 10 years now. After watching the movie for the first time on Shudder, I thought it was interesting. I did like this movie, but I didn't love it as most people did. The st"
"April 28th Directed by: Yorgos Lanthimos 2nd Viewing Previous Rating: 4 After: 4"
"8.2 Areena new Ei tässä mitään tolkkua ollut, mutta hypnoottista seurattavaa oli tämä outoilu. "
"16.1. Hienon kirkas, sini- ja vihreäsävyinen värimaailma ja staattisen kameratyöskentely sopivat hyvin tähän ajoittain jopa koomiset mittasuhteet saavuttavaan perhedraamaan. Dogtooth on kiinnostava katselukokemus ja parhaimmillaan tuo mustan huumorin avulla esille sen, miten pahasti lastenkasvatuksessa voi kusta omille nilkoilleen hyvistä aikeista huolimatta. "