Kiss Me, Stupid
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Added 12 years ago
Added 11 years ago
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Kiss Me, Stupid
UPC: 027616887627

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"Irreverent sex comedy/satire by Billy Wilder. "

"Kiss Me Stupidin lähtöasetelma varioi yhtä americanan myyttisintä asetelmaa, jossa ohikulkija, tässä tapauksessa Dean Martin, jumahtaa jonnekin Jumalan hylkäämään tuppukylään ja sekaantuu pienen yhteisön asioihin, tässä tapauksessa sukupuoliasioihin. Wilderin sysimusta pettämiskomedia jätti kaksijakoisen tunnun. Toisaalta studiosysteemin komedialle jopa nihilistinen katse avioelämään ja seksiin sekä yllättävän rivot läpät hätkähdyttivät. Toisaalta, leijonanosa eloku"

" Ray Walston, Dean Martin and Kim Novak"

"Dean Martin essentially plays himself in this goofy comedy. Novak is beautiful as usual, but Felicia Farr actually stands out above her!"
“No one could ever incorrectly accuse Billy Wilder of being cynical, but given the jaundiced nature of his outlook and work, there’s still something bracing about Kiss Me, Stupid’s acerbic quality. Not only does Wilder put female exploitation and fragile masculinity through the wringer, but marriage and upward mobility. If you want to achieve your dreams, then you better be prepared to pay and pay and pay. Kiss Me, Stupid is something of a stepchild in Wilder’s work, with many people ready to close the book on him post-The Apartment, there’s a flawed, but tremendously rewarding body of work that’s being forgotten about. I have a deep fondness for Kiss Me, Stupid, think One, Two, Three is overdue for critical reevaluation, and find Irma La Douce and The Fortune Cookie to be hi” read more