Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
list by Aprakadabra
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Videos
Added 7 years ago
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An average movie
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"7.1. Tylsästi oppikirjan mukaan tehty toimintatrilleri. Cruisen silmien siristely ja kulmien kurtistelu näyttää enemmän kurkistelevan myyrän pidättämiseltä kuin näyttelemiseltä. "
“To be honest, I was rather surprised that they would come up with a sequel for ‘Jack Reacher’. I mean, sure, it was actually a decent action flick but it was still nothing groundbreaking and, above all, it didn’t turn out to be a huge success at the box-office. However, it seems that Tom Cruise didn’t accept this semi-failure and he still pushed to make this sequel. Well, to be honest, even though it was watchable, it wasn’t really good, I’m afraid. I mean, the intro was not bad and the story was entertaining enough until Reacher managed to get Turner out of jail but, from the moment they started to work together, the whole thing became terribly generic and bairly entertaining. Another thing that bothered me was that, even though they keep hammering the fact that Jack Reacher” read more
"İlk filmende çok farklı olmayan, aksiyon seviyesini korumaya devam eden filmde karakterimiz bu sefer orduda yapılan bir silah kaçakçılığı ve daha sonrasında ortaya çıkan komple teorilerini çözmeye uğraşıyor. Sanki yıllar geçtikce Cruise da yavaşlamaya başlamış gibi. Aynı, sonu gelmeyen, nasıl biteceğini kara kara düşündüğümüz serinin devam filmleri kıvamında."
"Well this was unnecessary sequal. The first one was great by its own, it didn’t needed this to help."