Gridlock'd (1997)
list by JayTrotter
list by Sarqasm
list by A.M.A
Cover art, photos and screenshots
A good movie
UPC: 044005498721
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" After a friend overdoses, Spoon and Stretch decide to kick their drug habits and attempt to enroll in a government detox program. Their efforts are hampered by seemingly endless red tape, as they are shuffled from one office to another while being chased by drug dealers and the police. The film featured earlier performances by Thandie Newton, Lucy Liu, Elizabeth Pena, Debra Wilson, Kasi Lemmons, Vondie Curtis-Hall, and Bokeem Woodbine. The movie, also featured songs 2pac and Snoop Dogg, an"
" After a friend overdoses, Spoon and Stretch decide to kick their drug habits and attempt to enroll in a government detox program. Their efforts are hampered by seemingly endless red tape."
"25.10, Viaplay Tim Roth ja 2Pac ovat nistejä, jotka koittavat päästä vieroitukseen ja joutuvat näin ollen byrokraatian juoksuttamiksi. Kaksikon arkinen huulenheitto on hauskaa ja kemia pelaa hyvin yhteen, ja satiiri on jokseenkin toimivaa. Pidin elokuvan flowsta, joka soljuu mukavasti kohtauksesta kohtaukseen kokonaisuuden tuntuessa yhtenäiseltä paketilta."
"March 24 "Hello? There's a woman been shot - a white woman. Okay? There's a whole bunch of black people out here, shooting and burning cars, talking about revolution. You better send some motherfuckers out here!" I always thought Tupac was always better when it came to acting compared to a lot of other rappers that were also rappers because Tupac had a lot more range than someone like 50 Cent or Snoop Dogg. With that said though the movies I had seen him in weren't very memorable. Juice was "
“To be honest, I never really cared about Tupac Shakur, when he was alive or after his death, but I have to admit that the guy definitely displayed some potential in this movie. Basically, it is a rather obscure feature that pretty much everyone forgot about. Obviously, it was a rather straightforward drug drama-comedy and the whole thing was nothing really groundbreaking but, in my opinion, it was still a solid and rather well made feature. Indeed, I really enjoyed the mood which was fairly realistic and, in my opinion, the comedic elements were in fact rather subtle and they worked fine with the rather dreary subject. On top of that, Tim Roth (an English guy) and Tupa Shakur (a rapper) seemed to be a rather unlikely duo but they were actually pretty good. Indeed, back then, Tim Roth was d” read more