Grisly's Master List of Movie Lists
Yearly Watched Lists
My yearly watch lists, where I keep track of what I've watched. Usually including my thoughts.
Genre / Subgenre Lists
Lists of movies in a genre or subgenre I'm interested in.
Thematic Lists
Lists with a certain theme, that isn't necessarily a genre, or subgenre.
Adventurous Youths
Video Nasties
The Vietnam War in Film
Malevolent Machines
Legacy of the Ripper
Family Friendly Fun (1980s)
Favourites / "Top" Lists
Lists containing some of my favourite movies.
Favourite Movies from My Youth
Trebek's Top 50 Horror Films
Trebek's Top 50 Sci-Fi Films
Trebek's Top 50 Action Films
Trebek's Top Ten Slasher Films of the 80s
Movie Series
Lists of movies in a series, where I've seen the whole series. Usually containing commentary.
A Nightmare on Elm Street Series + Commentary
Halloween Series + Commentary
Friday the 13th Series + Commentary
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Series + Commentary
Director's Best to Worst
Lists of a director's best to "worst", in my opinion.
Misc. Lists
Lists that I couldn't figure out how to categorize.
Load more items (5 more in this list)
A list of my most complete lists.
I have a habit of starting lists, but not finishing them. I am going to attempt to complete some of these.
I have a habit of starting lists, but not finishing them. I am going to attempt to complete some of these.
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The A.V. Club's Top 50 Films Of The '00s
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Mrnty's 30 Day, 30 Books
My 1996 Favorites
2008 Films - Best to Worst
Slasher Films - 1970s
Slasher Film Master List
Adventurous Youths
Slasher Films - 1990s
Awesomely Awful
Watched in 2010
Grisly's Master List of Music Lists