Top 100 Playstation One Games
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Like most of my lists, this is all based on personal preference. I didn't take it from a website or anything like that...These are games that I've played that I felt deserved to be on the list. If I left out a game that you think should be plugged in, leave a comment and I'll either explain why I left it out or, in the case that I haven't played it, I'll try to track down a copy and let you know how I felt about the experience after I give it a whirl.
Oh, and for right now, this is a work-in-progress list. I kind of decided to make it spur-of-the-moment so I have no planned order or anything, that'll be modified as I add games to it. I'll also be adding/removing games regularly in order to make room for good games that I may have played for the first time that I feel deserve to be on the list...There are plenty of Playstation games that I haven't played yet, so I'm sure that this list will have a lot of modifying done to it.
Oh, and for right now, this is a work-in-progress list. I kind of decided to make it spur-of-the-moment so I have no planned order or anything, that'll be modified as I add games to it. I'll also be adding/removing games regularly in order to make room for good games that I may have played for the first time that I feel deserve to be on the list...There are plenty of Playstation games that I haven't played yet, so I'm sure that this list will have a lot of modifying done to it.
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