I'm not attracted to these "hot" people
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Ugly on the inside and outside. Don't like his style or music. Has a bad personality to boot.
JaganDoll's rating:
Never thought she was that attractive, and I think her accent is super annoying.
JaganDoll's rating:
I sometimes think people's reactions to her would have been different if she stayed blonde and never got implants.
JaganDoll's rating:
Not bad. Maybe I'm just sick of hearing her brought up with thigh gaps because she apparently doesn't have one while being "the most beautiful woman to ever walk the Earth".
JaganDoll's rating:
She's fine I guess, I can see the appeal. But looks a bit like a feminine, toned down Marilyn Manson for my taste. Sorry.
Celebrities that most people think are "hot, sexy", but I don't really think they are.
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