James Cameron's best movie? You decide!
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The Terminator (1984)

Villiana, FG93, Phillydude, CD Smiles, Yrjaenae, cfcblue, Cleon, dianasauras
Fortunato, Revo Ji, Darkwarrior, Thenoah, Aldenvdk, Apc 53, Ice_Cold, The O.P., Meganfan, Nathan, Joizo, Aprakadabra, VierasTalo, chris043, dannyjai, RockerChick, gusanorl, Leiska
Happy Vader, Mejo, BML93, Michael M, The Cinephile, Orpheus Anathema, Burnudo, Kev64, Severin Severin, SJMJ91, Ryan P, Propelas, Mr. Saturn, Mustanaamio, Kollane ร:, rewster, Smitty1990, -Wreckme-, PerfectPortal
Happy Vader's rating:

Aliens (1986)

Fortunato, Marcello, BML93, Orpheus Anathema, Burnudo, Kev64, Dragonphoenix46, SJMJ91, Collette, TrekMedic, Ryan P, Vix, dannyjai, Smitty1990, DrStrangeBlog
Starweevil, Nusch, Blankend, Severin Severin, Jprc10, Propelas, Mr. Saturn, Drako Z, Brawljeff, reeallly, cfcblue, rewster, Ricky49er, dianasauras, PerfectPortal
FG93, CD Smiles, Aldenvdk, Apc 53, Ice_Cold, ThePackMan, Nathan, Yrjaenae, Aprakadabra, VierasTalo, gusanorl, Leiska
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Happy Vader, Revo Ji, Mejo, Darkwarrior, Nusch, Thenoah, Blankend, Severin Severin, BradWesley123, Aldenvdk, Apc 53, Jprc10, Ice_Cold, Propelas, Nathan, Joizo, Mr. Saturn, Aprakadabra, chris043, reeallly, rewster, gusanorl, Ricky49er, Leiska, Stehako, PerfectPortal
BML93, Michael M, Orpheus Anathema, Burnudo, Kev64, Darkphoenix46, CD Smiles, MariaJJ, Ryan P, Vix, Yrjaenae, Mustanaamio, Halogen, Smitty1990, -Wreckme-, DrStrangeBlog
Starweevil, Collette, Drako Z, Brawljeff, Mahnum, dannyjai, Cleon, dianasauras
Happy Vader's rating:

True Lies (1994)

VierasTalo, Halogen
The Cinephile, Kollane ร:, Stehako
Villiana, Phillydude, The O.P., MariaJJ, Vix, Joizo, chris043, cfcblue, kiran
Titanic (1997)

Starweevil, Michael M, The Cinephile, The O.P., Meganfan, MariaJJ, Brawljeff, Mustanaamio, Kollane ร:, Mahnum, kiran, -Wreckme-
Happy Vader, Mejo, Marcello, FG93, Phillydude, SJMJ91, ThePackMan, Cleon
Revo Ji, Darkwarrior, Nusch, Darkphoenix46, BradWesley123, TrekMedic, Halogen, RockerChick, reeallly, Stehako
Avatar (2009)

ThePackMan, Drako Z, RockerChick
Villiana, BradWesley123, Collette, Mahnum, kiran
Marcello, Thenoah, Blankend, Meganfan, Ricky49er
Also, while you're at it, can you check this list out, too?
Should I add them or not?
I'm still 22 members short. Thank you!
James Cameron I think is the greatest director of modern cinema. Sure, we have Nolan, Spielberg, Tarantino, Burton and the like, but Cameron is the best from the bunch. He is, in a way, the Keyzer Soze of Hollywood. He has surfaced less than his peers, and when he does, he manages to bring CGI - and the whole concept of sci-fi - ten steps forward, leaving most of the current directors scratching their heads and sighing in a defeated way. Maybe it's because I'm a big fan, so what? Seriously, who started the whole 3D craze? Name me one film from the past 4 years which was not 3D. Has there ever been a classic big-scale disaster film than Titanic?
Note: No, Michael Bay's movies do not count!
I'm only counting the movies that he directed.
I'm gonna do the same thing FG93 did, and here goes!
The rules are pretty simple, you comment your top 3 James Cameron films and I'll tally the votes as we go along.
1. 5 points
2. 3 points
3. 1 point
First 100 reactions will be counted:
1. Happy Vader
2. Fortunato
3. Revo Ji
4. Mejo
5. Darkwarrior
6. Villiana
7. Marcello
8. Starweevil
9. FG93
10. Phillydude
11. BML93
12. Michael M
13. The Cinephile
14. Nusch
15. Orpheus Anathema
16. Burnudo
17. Kev64
18. Dragonphoenix46
19. Thenoah
20. Blankend
21. Severin Severin
22. SJMJ91
23. BradWesley123
24. CD Smiles
25. Aldenvdk
26. Apc 53
27. Jrpc10
28. Collette
29. Ice_Cold
30. The O.P.
31. Meganfan
32. MariaJJ
33. TrekMedic
34. ThPackMan
35. Ryan P.
36. Vix
37. Propelas
38. Nathan
39. Joizo
40. Yrjaenae
41. Mr. Saturn
42. Drako Z
43. Aprakadabra
44. Brawljeff
45. Mustanaamio
46. VierasTalo
47. Halogen
48. Kollane ร:
49. Mahnum
50. chris043
51. dannyjai
52. RockerChick
53. reeallly
54. cfcblue
55. rewster
56. Smitty1990
57. Cleon
58. gusanorl
59. Ricky49er
60. Leiska
61. kiran
62. -Wreckme-
63. DrStrangeBlog
64. Stehako
65. dianasauras
66. PerfectPortal
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