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The Misfits (1961)
First Watched 2/1/2018
An excellent film and fantastic final performances from both Gable and Monroe. The film is shot very well and the emotions the characters are able to captivate on screen feel real and raw. Sometimes it can dip into melodrama a bit but it never goes overboard in that regard (save for one or two scenes). Really it is not only a metaphor for a dying way of life but also the start of a different generation of films on the horizon as the old guard passes the torch of creativity.
An excellent film and fantastic final performances from both Gable and Monroe. The film is shot very well and the emotions the characters are able to captivate on screen feel real and raw. Sometimes it can dip into melodrama a bit but it never goes overboard in that regard (save for one or two scenes). Really it is not only a metaphor for a dying way of life but also the start of a different generation of films on the horizon as the old guard passes the torch of creativity.
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/2/2018
This film is f**king insane!!! Seriously, the fluidity of the action is like watching a carefully conducted orchestra of bullets and explosions accompanied by a play of raw and relatable human emotions and interactions. This is my favorite kind of action film one that is not just mindless action and explosions but has an emotion core to it. On top of that this film did not feel as though it was 2 hours it felt so much shorter than that I just wanted more! John Woo is a master of cinematic action as if you needed further proof XD
But, seriously this film is an outstanding addition to the action film genre. I highly recommend it for action film fans and I know I will be watching it again many times in the future :D
This film is f**king insane!!! Seriously, the fluidity of the action is like watching a carefully conducted orchestra of bullets and explosions accompanied by a play of raw and relatable human emotions and interactions. This is my favorite kind of action film one that is not just mindless action and explosions but has an emotion core to it. On top of that this film did not feel as though it was 2 hours it felt so much shorter than that I just wanted more! John Woo is a master of cinematic action as if you needed further proof XD
But, seriously this film is an outstanding addition to the action film genre. I highly recommend it for action film fans and I know I will be watching it again many times in the future :D
SwornShadow's rating:

Blade Runner (1982)
Re-Watched 2/3/2018
A landmark in Sci-Fi and Neo Noir cinema that inspired many other films (also inspired a lot of films to steal its ideas XD). Films like this are great because for me personally I always find something new that I didn't quite catch before now that is quality film making! While I do have to be in the right mood to watch this film as it does have a slow buildup I am always so glad when I have finished re-watching it.
Everyone brings their A game to this outing. Ford is top notch with his silent and restricted performance but clearly has more to him then what he lets on. Young sells her role too seductive, sharp, and underneath it all a tender heart. Hannah also brings a great performance to the table sweet, naive, but deadly when she fights for something that is important to her a chance at a normal life and real love it is both beautiful and tragic at the same time. Hauer delivers an iconic performance with a scene all too famous at this point listen to the last words he breathes although we have never seen the wonders he mentions we feel his feeling connected to these moments in his life and thus, he disappears into his role and becomes his character.
On top of that the setting, the costumes, the atmosphere, everything just drips with personality and flare a cinematic treat to say the very least
A landmark in Sci-Fi and Neo Noir cinema that inspired many other films (also inspired a lot of films to steal its ideas XD). Films like this are great because for me personally I always find something new that I didn't quite catch before now that is quality film making! While I do have to be in the right mood to watch this film as it does have a slow buildup I am always so glad when I have finished re-watching it.
Everyone brings their A game to this outing. Ford is top notch with his silent and restricted performance but clearly has more to him then what he lets on. Young sells her role too seductive, sharp, and underneath it all a tender heart. Hannah also brings a great performance to the table sweet, naive, but deadly when she fights for something that is important to her a chance at a normal life and real love it is both beautiful and tragic at the same time. Hauer delivers an iconic performance with a scene all too famous at this point listen to the last words he breathes although we have never seen the wonders he mentions we feel his feeling connected to these moments in his life and thus, he disappears into his role and becomes his character.
On top of that the setting, the costumes, the atmosphere, everything just drips with personality and flare a cinematic treat to say the very least
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/4/2018
This film was . . . . interesting.
I feel like the creators bit off a bit more then they could chew. What I mean is this film is told and structured in such an odd way that it doesn't really flow well (at least from my perspective). Which is unfortunate because there were several stories and characters that I thought were pretty interesting. I liked Cheadle and Guzman's story line and Zeta-Jones' story line as well. I felt for what they were going through and wanted them to come out of this whole debacle alright. While others I did not care about them to much XD also I refer to them here by their actual names because I for the life of me cannot remember anyone's character name even the ones I liked and that is usually not a good sign.
However, each time I was starting to get into a story line the film would transition so quickly that it made my head spin. I feel like the creators sacrificed style over substance in several instances. It is almost as if they were going for a Tarantino-esque style and with most films that aim to replicate that style it is more of a detriment then a positive choice. Maybe if they had trimmed half the story lines and focused on tightening up the remaining ones they would have had a better final product.
Thus, to me this film is fine nothing ground breaking and nothing god awful so maybe others will be able to find more positives in it then me :)
This film was . . . . interesting.
I feel like the creators bit off a bit more then they could chew. What I mean is this film is told and structured in such an odd way that it doesn't really flow well (at least from my perspective). Which is unfortunate because there were several stories and characters that I thought were pretty interesting. I liked Cheadle and Guzman's story line and Zeta-Jones' story line as well. I felt for what they were going through and wanted them to come out of this whole debacle alright. While others I did not care about them to much XD also I refer to them here by their actual names because I for the life of me cannot remember anyone's character name even the ones I liked and that is usually not a good sign.
However, each time I was starting to get into a story line the film would transition so quickly that it made my head spin. I feel like the creators sacrificed style over substance in several instances. It is almost as if they were going for a Tarantino-esque style and with most films that aim to replicate that style it is more of a detriment then a positive choice. Maybe if they had trimmed half the story lines and focused on tightening up the remaining ones they would have had a better final product.
Thus, to me this film is fine nothing ground breaking and nothing god awful so maybe others will be able to find more positives in it then me :)
SwornShadow's rating:

Maverick (1994)
First Watched 2/7/2018
What a great gem of a film although I have found that I like Westerns a bit more then the next fella so take that for what you will. This film is not only action packed it is pretty funny too with all three of our leads working well off each other. It is uses classic Western and Heist plot lines but makes them its own so they feel more fresh. Plus, this film had a great ending that I dare not spoiler here.
My only criticism of the film was sometimes the way characters talked felt not so much the old West but rather modern day (well at least for 1994) in some of the choices of words and mannerisms however, I suppose they took creative liberties with the authenticity to make it flow better I just happened to notice it. But, nevertheless still a fantastic watch!
What a great gem of a film although I have found that I like Westerns a bit more then the next fella so take that for what you will. This film is not only action packed it is pretty funny too with all three of our leads working well off each other. It is uses classic Western and Heist plot lines but makes them its own so they feel more fresh. Plus, this film had a great ending that I dare not spoiler here.
My only criticism of the film was sometimes the way characters talked felt not so much the old West but rather modern day (well at least for 1994) in some of the choices of words and mannerisms however, I suppose they took creative liberties with the authenticity to make it flow better I just happened to notice it. But, nevertheless still a fantastic watch!
SwornShadow's rating:

Under the Skin (2013)
First Watched 2/7/2018
Now I enjoyed this film but I fully understand why people wouldn't like it or have issues with it. It definitely has flaws the most glaring one being how it decides to set up and present the story. Now yes films are usually stronger when they follow the motto show don't tell certainly however, this film decides not to tell us much of anything and that is a double edge sword to the final product.
That being said I kinda enjoyed piecing together what was going on and how things were playing out; on how the world and its rules functioned and I was happy to see I got a good portion of it correct after reading a synopsis after it ended. However, this movie really could have benefited for setting up a more clear cut narrative as I believe that would have made the film stronger if we had more of an understanding and attachment to the characters and the world. But, I understood what they were going for and in my opinion it works but that is just me. Plus, the story and premise did intrigue me that it makes me want to check out the original story it was based on I think I would enjoy that more since it can provide more of a context and fill in details cut from this adaptation.
But, I get what they were going for a female APEX predator the likes of which we have never seen trying to survive and adapt in this environment.
Also, as a quick little side note Scarlett Johansson is well . . . . . O//////O beautiful and sexy (duh) in this film ^-^
Now I enjoyed this film but I fully understand why people wouldn't like it or have issues with it. It definitely has flaws the most glaring one being how it decides to set up and present the story. Now yes films are usually stronger when they follow the motto show don't tell certainly however, this film decides not to tell us much of anything and that is a double edge sword to the final product.
That being said I kinda enjoyed piecing together what was going on and how things were playing out; on how the world and its rules functioned and I was happy to see I got a good portion of it correct after reading a synopsis after it ended. However, this movie really could have benefited for setting up a more clear cut narrative as I believe that would have made the film stronger if we had more of an understanding and attachment to the characters and the world. But, I understood what they were going for and in my opinion it works but that is just me. Plus, the story and premise did intrigue me that it makes me want to check out the original story it was based on I think I would enjoy that more since it can provide more of a context and fill in details cut from this adaptation.
But, I get what they were going for a female APEX predator the likes of which we have never seen trying to survive and adapt in this environment.
Also, as a quick little side note Scarlett Johansson is well . . . . . O//////O beautiful and sexy (duh) in this film ^-^
SwornShadow's rating:

Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter (2014)
First Watched 2/7/2018
Remember last month when I mentioned the difficulty of adapting real life stories into films? In how they either become standard stories we have seen before (example: a band's origin: they go up against a record company, fight with each other, lose themselves in addiction or some other vice, then get back together or die) or become a story that is exaggerated and spruced up that it deviates from what actually happened in an effort to make it stand out more.
Well Kumiko falls in the later category since this adaptation tells the story of the urban legend that sprouted from the actual event. I believe this decision worked kinda since they stumbled with it a bit. I will touch on that in a second.
I enjoyed the way this film was shot and the outfit they gave Kumiko was great and Rinko Kikuchi sold the role very well however, one decision of the film makers left me scratching my head.
SPOILERS for this film and Fargo from 1996
So the idea is Kumiko has this VHS recording of the Coen Brother's film Fargo and believes that the scene where Steve Buscemi stashes the cash under a fence post is real and is actually buried under the snow somewhere along the road. Now since it is a VHS tape and Kumiko is socially awkward and isolated I could buy that she would believe that scene was real especially since it says based on a true story in the beginning of Fargo.
However, then the film made the weird decision to have Kumiko go out and buy Fargo on disc after her VHS tape gets tangled and destroyed. WHAT?!? I mean this implies that she understands the concept of films and the fact that this one is sold publicly and if multiple copies are available to the public that implies that the film Fargo is a work of fiction. Now it is implied she and her family grew up in the country side of Japan and that she is going through depression in her life and since those factors were presented I could by her thinking a worn out VHS tapes with that scene shown to someone like her would be real. But, her buying a copy of it on DVD just breaks the immersion so badly at least for me.
Plus it is such a small scene it could have been cut and thus vastly improved the final product. I suppose the idea is she is so far gone in her isolation and her depression that she has convinced herself the treasure is real but I just find it so hard to buy as a viewer.
Remember last month when I mentioned the difficulty of adapting real life stories into films? In how they either become standard stories we have seen before (example: a band's origin: they go up against a record company, fight with each other, lose themselves in addiction or some other vice, then get back together or die) or become a story that is exaggerated and spruced up that it deviates from what actually happened in an effort to make it stand out more.
Well Kumiko falls in the later category since this adaptation tells the story of the urban legend that sprouted from the actual event. I believe this decision worked kinda since they stumbled with it a bit. I will touch on that in a second.
I enjoyed the way this film was shot and the outfit they gave Kumiko was great and Rinko Kikuchi sold the role very well however, one decision of the film makers left me scratching my head.
SPOILERS for this film and Fargo from 1996
So the idea is Kumiko has this VHS recording of the Coen Brother's film Fargo and believes that the scene where Steve Buscemi stashes the cash under a fence post is real and is actually buried under the snow somewhere along the road. Now since it is a VHS tape and Kumiko is socially awkward and isolated I could buy that she would believe that scene was real especially since it says based on a true story in the beginning of Fargo.
However, then the film made the weird decision to have Kumiko go out and buy Fargo on disc after her VHS tape gets tangled and destroyed. WHAT?!? I mean this implies that she understands the concept of films and the fact that this one is sold publicly and if multiple copies are available to the public that implies that the film Fargo is a work of fiction. Now it is implied she and her family grew up in the country side of Japan and that she is going through depression in her life and since those factors were presented I could by her thinking a worn out VHS tapes with that scene shown to someone like her would be real. But, her buying a copy of it on DVD just breaks the immersion so badly at least for me.
Plus it is such a small scene it could have been cut and thus vastly improved the final product. I suppose the idea is she is so far gone in her isolation and her depression that she has convinced herself the treasure is real but I just find it so hard to buy as a viewer.
SwornShadow's rating:

Bayonetta: Bloody Fate (2013)
First Watched 2/8/2018
While this film has a slow start and the animation can be wonky at times (and sexy ;D) it does eventually pick up and has a pretty great ending. Plus, it is cool that the voice actors from the games reprised their roles!
So I would say it is worth a watch however, you shouldn't watch this film unless you have played the games first in my honest opinion.
While this film has a slow start and the animation can be wonky at times (and sexy ;D) it does eventually pick up and has a pretty great ending. Plus, it is cool that the voice actors from the games reprised their roles!
So I would say it is worth a watch however, you shouldn't watch this film unless you have played the games first in my honest opinion.
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/8/2018
This was a pretty great mini series and it made me interested to check out the tv series. I love shows that take historical figures and put them in various scenarios this one being having super powers! The animation is odd at times but it is still fluid and the twists throughout the whole thing are actually pretty great!
Also, I liked that they didn't just use popular historical figures but also obscure ones as well! The only real downside are the more comedic aspects of the show were not to my taste basically I thought they were pretty bad XD but thankfully the comedic moments are few and far between. Still I am glad I checked this one out.
This was a pretty great mini series and it made me interested to check out the tv series. I love shows that take historical figures and put them in various scenarios this one being having super powers! The animation is odd at times but it is still fluid and the twists throughout the whole thing are actually pretty great!
Also, I liked that they didn't just use popular historical figures but also obscure ones as well! The only real downside are the more comedic aspects of the show were not to my taste basically I thought they were pretty bad XD but thankfully the comedic moments are few and far between. Still I am glad I checked this one out.
SwornShadow's rating:

Once Upon a Time [Windaria] (1986)
First Watched 2/9/2018
This film does a lot of things different then other animated properties at the time. I was glad that both sets of main characters were already in relationships and not afraid to show public displays of affection ^-^ because in most anime properties I just find myself screaming "Kiss her you FOOL no time will be better!" XD
Seriously I know that in Japan they take public displays of affection much more serious then here in America but come on people these are animated properties!!! Let the feelings and affection show! Sorry for the rant but I am glad our couples actually seem like couples in this film.
And I am glad that the characters in this film actually make mistakes and divulge in their vices and are manipulated with sweet words delivered by poisoned lips. It makes them feel more human.
However, where the film falls flat is that it creates a real over the top bad guys and soldiers to the point were I was like how do these guys even function XD plus it was head scratching for one of our couples to jump on the War Campaign without ever talking to each other. So those points really were detrimental to the film.
But, without giving anything away the ending was actually sad and tragic and the final scene is still stuck in my mind and a bittersweet taste in my mouth so overall I am really glad I watched it despite some clunky parts :)
This film does a lot of things different then other animated properties at the time. I was glad that both sets of main characters were already in relationships and not afraid to show public displays of affection ^-^ because in most anime properties I just find myself screaming "Kiss her you FOOL no time will be better!" XD
Seriously I know that in Japan they take public displays of affection much more serious then here in America but come on people these are animated properties!!! Let the feelings and affection show! Sorry for the rant but I am glad our couples actually seem like couples in this film.
And I am glad that the characters in this film actually make mistakes and divulge in their vices and are manipulated with sweet words delivered by poisoned lips. It makes them feel more human.
However, where the film falls flat is that it creates a real over the top bad guys and soldiers to the point were I was like how do these guys even function XD plus it was head scratching for one of our couples to jump on the War Campaign without ever talking to each other. So those points really were detrimental to the film.
But, without giving anything away the ending was actually sad and tragic and the final scene is still stuck in my mind and a bittersweet taste in my mouth so overall I am really glad I watched it despite some clunky parts :)
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/14/2018
Damn . . . . .
This film is really something special. Watching this film made me truly believe I was watching two people grow a romance between each other. We get insight into each of their character through dialogue that is naturally woven into it so it doesn't stop the flow of the film. I like that when a film is able to present different points of view without making it seem that the screenwriter just wanted to go on a rant about what he was feeling at the time and use a particular character as a mouth piece. Thus, when they talk about personal feelings and views it just feels natural which makes them more believable and easier to relate to. I wouldn't be surprised if some scenes were improvised since it feels that natural.
I am really glad I got around to watching this film it it pushed the envelope on what can be done with romance films and since this is a trilogy it seems it has even more to offer! Can't wait :D
Damn . . . . .
This film is really something special. Watching this film made me truly believe I was watching two people grow a romance between each other. We get insight into each of their character through dialogue that is naturally woven into it so it doesn't stop the flow of the film. I like that when a film is able to present different points of view without making it seem that the screenwriter just wanted to go on a rant about what he was feeling at the time and use a particular character as a mouth piece. Thus, when they talk about personal feelings and views it just feels natural which makes them more believable and easier to relate to. I wouldn't be surprised if some scenes were improvised since it feels that natural.
I am really glad I got around to watching this film it it pushed the envelope on what can be done with romance films and since this is a trilogy it seems it has even more to offer! Can't wait :D
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/14/2018
This film does a great job as a sequel to the first by subverting common romance tropes in the sense that not every romantic plan plays out the way you expected but could in fact lead to something better. Plus, unlike other films that have couples and sequels when they are apart the way they usually get back together is awkward and happens just because the writers do not know what to do with them.
Thankfully in this film the road to them recapturing their initial feelings for each other comes naturally and flows really well. Thus, providing some sweet and realistic moments throughout ^-^
However, if this series was a sandwich this is like the lettuce and tomato of the meal since it feels more like something to tied you over until you get to the meat meaning something even greater is on the horizon :D
This film does a great job as a sequel to the first by subverting common romance tropes in the sense that not every romantic plan plays out the way you expected but could in fact lead to something better. Plus, unlike other films that have couples and sequels when they are apart the way they usually get back together is awkward and happens just because the writers do not know what to do with them.
Thankfully in this film the road to them recapturing their initial feelings for each other comes naturally and flows really well. Thus, providing some sweet and realistic moments throughout ^-^
However, if this series was a sandwich this is like the lettuce and tomato of the meal since it feels more like something to tied you over until you get to the meat meaning something even greater is on the horizon :D
SwornShadow's rating:

Before Midnight (2013)
First Watched 2/14/2018
I liked the last installment but I think this film is a step up for our couple's journey if I had to give it a score it would be a 8.5 it doesn't quite reach the levels of the first film but it is still a great film :)
Where it falls short from the original is the interactions between our two lovebirds are still great some feel a bit more forced. What I mean is while several lines seem in line and natural to our characters others seem to be lines that the creators wanted the characters to say whether it was organic to the scene or not. Or maybe they had the actors improvise some scenes and maybe should have taken out some scenes. Maybe it was that dinner/hangout with their friends some interactions and dialogue provide some interesting insight to how our characters have grown while others just feel like they wanted to talk about topic X and didn't care if it fit with the motif.
Of course maybe it is just the difference of year since 1995 was a very different time compared to 2013 so maybe these topics just couldn't be avoided. I don't have a problem with the topics themselves I just wish the weaved them into the story and characters better XD but this film does a fantastic job with that bedroom argument/discussion I only felt like one topic felt out of place while the rest was a fantastic insight on what couples go through and how romance isn't just about sharing the good moments but also sharing the bad ones as well I lost myself in that scene and I saw a couple scared of their own shortcomings and insecurities thus, taking out their inner turmoil on the one they love the most. Simply brilliant.
Wow what a trilogy great stuff can't wait for Linklater to make the next film Before Dawn in 2050 and he actually films our leads die on screen in each other's arms immortalizing the film :D the bastard is crazy enough to do it XD
I liked the last installment but I think this film is a step up for our couple's journey if I had to give it a score it would be a 8.5 it doesn't quite reach the levels of the first film but it is still a great film :)
Where it falls short from the original is the interactions between our two lovebirds are still great some feel a bit more forced. What I mean is while several lines seem in line and natural to our characters others seem to be lines that the creators wanted the characters to say whether it was organic to the scene or not. Or maybe they had the actors improvise some scenes and maybe should have taken out some scenes. Maybe it was that dinner/hangout with their friends some interactions and dialogue provide some interesting insight to how our characters have grown while others just feel like they wanted to talk about topic X and didn't care if it fit with the motif.
Of course maybe it is just the difference of year since 1995 was a very different time compared to 2013 so maybe these topics just couldn't be avoided. I don't have a problem with the topics themselves I just wish the weaved them into the story and characters better XD but this film does a fantastic job with that bedroom argument/discussion I only felt like one topic felt out of place while the rest was a fantastic insight on what couples go through and how romance isn't just about sharing the good moments but also sharing the bad ones as well I lost myself in that scene and I saw a couple scared of their own shortcomings and insecurities thus, taking out their inner turmoil on the one they love the most. Simply brilliant.
Wow what a trilogy great stuff can't wait for Linklater to make the next film Before Dawn in 2050 and he actually films our leads die on screen in each other's arms immortalizing the film :D the bastard is crazy enough to do it XD
SwornShadow's rating:

The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
First Watched 2/17/2018
This film has some solid performances but I think there was a bit of a mis step in Billy Bob Thornton's not that he played it badly but his character's motivations seemed to be nonexistent maybe that was the intention but I personally thought this was the wrong choice.
I mean yes in other Coen Brother's pictures we have seen characters that seem to just let the story and characters flow around them and they react to it. The best example I can think of is The Dude from The Big Lebowski however, the things that happened to him and how he reacted to them made sense for his character. But, here this character is so detached from what is going on it is hard to get invested in what is happening at least for me.
This film has some solid performances but I think there was a bit of a mis step in Billy Bob Thornton's not that he played it badly but his character's motivations seemed to be nonexistent maybe that was the intention but I personally thought this was the wrong choice.
I mean yes in other Coen Brother's pictures we have seen characters that seem to just let the story and characters flow around them and they react to it. The best example I can think of is The Dude from The Big Lebowski however, the things that happened to him and how he reacted to them made sense for his character. But, here this character is so detached from what is going on it is hard to get invested in what is happening at least for me.
SwornShadow's rating:

Black Panther (2018)
First Watched in the Theater 2/22/2018
This film left me rather disappointed which is a shame since I really enjoy the majority of Marvel films under Disney. That isn't to say the film is bad just it could have been much better. I don't know if this was rushed through production because I noticed some glaring flaws in the story that are things that should have been revised in a first draft. But, before I get ahead of myself lets break this down.
First it seems like they have given a reboot to T'Challa's character. The confident, mysterious, firm in his ideals and undertook actions to back up his words badass that he was in Civil War seems to have been tossed out the window for LOL look how awkward he is talking to his crush so wacky!!! XD also even though this outsider showed up and demanded a challenge from me instead of exerting my authority as rightful ruler and denying him his challenge I am going to accept it since he gave an emotionally charged demand and seems unstable what could go wrong :D!?!?
And look I am not against characters being retooled/soft-rebooted such as Thor from Ragnarok. Since I found the first two Thor films to be the weakest from the MCU. It is just sad since they already had such a great synergy going from Civil War and this re-written character seems like a focus group decision to make him more appealing.
Such a shame since he had a pretty awesome introduction. But, at the same time a problem exists in how the Black Panther obtains his power it would be understandable if only one person could wield the power from the flower at a time but no they have multiple flowers. Wouldn't giving this power to some of your most trusted and fiercest warriors help to better protect Wakanda and people in Africa that need help? Well maybe only royalty can have this power. But, no his father was killed and probably wouldn't have if he had the power of the Black Panther with him as well but this could have been an easy fix just explain that only one can yield the power and only have one flower source not multiple ones.
Also, I enjoyed the action scenes throughout the film from the casino and car chase to the challenges on the cliff. But, man the cgi in the final sequence was just really bad looking. And it is a shame since there are some great battles happening amidst the cgi but the whole experience is lessened by cgi I would expect from 2005 not 2018 and not with Marvel's budget. Also, I know its not the main focus but the comedy was eye rolling especially to my friends we all let out groans at that line the sister gave to Martin Freeman my friends and I cringed at that one and our audience seemed to agree since no one in our theater laughed all that much except for like two people so maybe humor is subjective I am glad they liked it at least XD
However, all that being said I am still excited for a Black Panther 2 in the future and hopefully a trilogy because despite Thor 1 and 2 and Iron Man 2 and 3 I think every section in the MCU can improve Thor 3 proved that to me and Iron Man's scenes in the other MCU films proved that characters can still be great outside of their own films. But, I am glad that many people resonated with this film and that it was financially successful and I hope this leads to Marvel trying to adapt all kinds of comic stories and characters going forward :) so I am glad I caught this on the big screen because the feel, the villain, several side characters, and the message at the end were all fantastic elements I enjoyed and I look forward to see what they will do in the next chapter of Black Panther and how they will hopefully improve
This film left me rather disappointed which is a shame since I really enjoy the majority of Marvel films under Disney. That isn't to say the film is bad just it could have been much better. I don't know if this was rushed through production because I noticed some glaring flaws in the story that are things that should have been revised in a first draft. But, before I get ahead of myself lets break this down.
First it seems like they have given a reboot to T'Challa's character. The confident, mysterious, firm in his ideals and undertook actions to back up his words badass that he was in Civil War seems to have been tossed out the window for LOL look how awkward he is talking to his crush so wacky!!! XD also even though this outsider showed up and demanded a challenge from me instead of exerting my authority as rightful ruler and denying him his challenge I am going to accept it since he gave an emotionally charged demand and seems unstable what could go wrong :D!?!?
And look I am not against characters being retooled/soft-rebooted such as Thor from Ragnarok. Since I found the first two Thor films to be the weakest from the MCU. It is just sad since they already had such a great synergy going from Civil War and this re-written character seems like a focus group decision to make him more appealing.
Such a shame since he had a pretty awesome introduction. But, at the same time a problem exists in how the Black Panther obtains his power it would be understandable if only one person could wield the power from the flower at a time but no they have multiple flowers. Wouldn't giving this power to some of your most trusted and fiercest warriors help to better protect Wakanda and people in Africa that need help? Well maybe only royalty can have this power. But, no his father was killed and probably wouldn't have if he had the power of the Black Panther with him as well but this could have been an easy fix just explain that only one can yield the power and only have one flower source not multiple ones.
Also, I enjoyed the action scenes throughout the film from the casino and car chase to the challenges on the cliff. But, man the cgi in the final sequence was just really bad looking. And it is a shame since there are some great battles happening amidst the cgi but the whole experience is lessened by cgi I would expect from 2005 not 2018 and not with Marvel's budget. Also, I know its not the main focus but the comedy was eye rolling especially to my friends we all let out groans at that line the sister gave to Martin Freeman my friends and I cringed at that one and our audience seemed to agree since no one in our theater laughed all that much except for like two people so maybe humor is subjective I am glad they liked it at least XD
However, all that being said I am still excited for a Black Panther 2 in the future and hopefully a trilogy because despite Thor 1 and 2 and Iron Man 2 and 3 I think every section in the MCU can improve Thor 3 proved that to me and Iron Man's scenes in the other MCU films proved that characters can still be great outside of their own films. But, I am glad that many people resonated with this film and that it was financially successful and I hope this leads to Marvel trying to adapt all kinds of comic stories and characters going forward :) so I am glad I caught this on the big screen because the feel, the villain, several side characters, and the message at the end were all fantastic elements I enjoyed and I look forward to see what they will do in the next chapter of Black Panther and how they will hopefully improve
SwornShadow's rating:

Black Caesar (1973)
First Watched 2/22/2018
An interesting blaxploitation film but if you have seen Little Cesar from 1931 you are probably familiar with the story on some level XD however, the cool thing about films like this is their ability to juggle social commentary within the over the top moments and memorable scenes.
However, if you are a fan of those 70s drive in exploitation films this might not be the one for you but it does have a real bitchin' theme song by James Brown :D so that is pretty cool and since I like exploitation films (mostly)I was glad I gave it a watch and will have to check out its sequel someday ^-^
An interesting blaxploitation film but if you have seen Little Cesar from 1931 you are probably familiar with the story on some level XD however, the cool thing about films like this is their ability to juggle social commentary within the over the top moments and memorable scenes.
However, if you are a fan of those 70s drive in exploitation films this might not be the one for you but it does have a real bitchin' theme song by James Brown :D so that is pretty cool and since I like exploitation films (mostly)I was glad I gave it a watch and will have to check out its sequel someday ^-^
SwornShadow's rating:

Mona Lisa (1986)
First Watched 2/22/2018
A real fantastic hidden gem of a film with outstanding performances from both Bob Hoskins and Cathy Tyson!
Not only is it a great neo-noir film it has this natural feel to it like the actors and actresses just spend a lot of time together so their emotions and responses sound genuine to each other for what emotions they are trying to convey. I know that sounds a bit strange XD but it is hard to describe fully check this film out and you will see what I mean :D
A real fantastic hidden gem of a film with outstanding performances from both Bob Hoskins and Cathy Tyson!
Not only is it a great neo-noir film it has this natural feel to it like the actors and actresses just spend a lot of time together so their emotions and responses sound genuine to each other for what emotions they are trying to convey. I know that sounds a bit strange XD but it is hard to describe fully check this film out and you will see what I mean :D
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/24/2018
This film is pretty funny but there is a good amount of humor that doesn't land you know the checklist that executives like to put in films for some reason XD
But, when the humor focuses on the music/performance aspects it is pretty funny of course I should preface that with you should probably be a fan of Lonely Island before seeing this if you don't like their style of humor you are probably gonna have a bad time with this film XD that said the music bits are great and funny and the music acts they get to collaborate with them is just fantastic XD
This film is pretty funny but there is a good amount of humor that doesn't land you know the checklist that executives like to put in films for some reason XD
But, when the humor focuses on the music/performance aspects it is pretty funny of course I should preface that with you should probably be a fan of Lonely Island before seeing this if you don't like their style of humor you are probably gonna have a bad time with this film XD that said the music bits are great and funny and the music acts they get to collaborate with them is just fantastic XD
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/24/2018
This film is proof that Bruce Campbell needs to be in more films he is the hero Hollywood needs! Here we have a film which is fun and funny throughout and plus it takes an urban legend and has fun with it and you can really tell that in the performances. Campbell was born to play the King because he is da KING :D bow to the King baby!
XD but seriously this film was a hidden gem that I am really glad I got around too and I know it will be on my re-watch list in the near future really the best way to experience this film is to experience it yourself it comes highly recommended from me ^-^
Also, I know it is a long-shot but I would love to see the sequel to this film become a reality it looked incredible X3
This film is proof that Bruce Campbell needs to be in more films he is the hero Hollywood needs! Here we have a film which is fun and funny throughout and plus it takes an urban legend and has fun with it and you can really tell that in the performances. Campbell was born to play the King because he is da KING :D bow to the King baby!
XD but seriously this film was a hidden gem that I am really glad I got around too and I know it will be on my re-watch list in the near future really the best way to experience this film is to experience it yourself it comes highly recommended from me ^-^
Also, I know it is a long-shot but I would love to see the sequel to this film become a reality it looked incredible X3
SwornShadow's rating:

The Nice Guys (2016)
First Watched 2/27/2018
If you know me you might have heard me say I am a sucker for the 80s and 90s you know once or twice ;D but if you are a sucker for the 70s. Well let me tell you brothers and sisters this ride is for you :D
Seriously this film just drips of personality from the super sweet sexy seventies! It has everything! Neo-Noir. Check. Action. Check. Comedy. Check!
I highly recommend checking this film out Gosling and Crowe have some great chemistry and really play off each other well so much so I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel with these two again. Also, keep in mind this is coming from someone who is a huge Gosling fan but not a fan of Crowe no wonder I have put off watching his films like Gladiator XD
Plus the story took some genuine twists and turns I did not see coming in an original and fun way (and at times thought provoking O-O) and it has been a while since I have felt that kind of surprise from a film so take of that as you will :)
If you know me you might have heard me say I am a sucker for the 80s and 90s you know once or twice ;D but if you are a sucker for the 70s. Well let me tell you brothers and sisters this ride is for you :D
Seriously this film just drips of personality from the super sweet sexy seventies! It has everything! Neo-Noir. Check. Action. Check. Comedy. Check!
I highly recommend checking this film out Gosling and Crowe have some great chemistry and really play off each other well so much so I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel with these two again. Also, keep in mind this is coming from someone who is a huge Gosling fan but not a fan of Crowe no wonder I have put off watching his films like Gladiator XD
Plus the story took some genuine twists and turns I did not see coming in an original and fun way (and at times thought provoking O-O) and it has been a while since I have felt that kind of surprise from a film so take of that as you will :)
SwornShadow's rating:

Run Lola Run (1998)
First Watched 2/27/2018
This film is a solid experiment in story telling and presents the idea of what if? What if one decision was made or another path taken? Can we truly escape from tragedy or no matter what does the invisible hand of fate push us to a destiny that we cannot escape from? It does pose these questions and is shot pretty well overall and our title character is pretty great too. Some scenes I was like wow awesome :D while others I was like whoa fella calm down XD
Basically, quite a few scenes flow well with the actions on screen and then others are rather jarring and seem a bit out of place with the overall pace. However, I must praise this film since it took risks and experimented with a style of its own and in my opinion it paid off for the most part and it does not over stay its welcome due to its rather shorter length so I would say it is worth a watch! :)
This film is a solid experiment in story telling and presents the idea of what if? What if one decision was made or another path taken? Can we truly escape from tragedy or no matter what does the invisible hand of fate push us to a destiny that we cannot escape from? It does pose these questions and is shot pretty well overall and our title character is pretty great too. Some scenes I was like wow awesome :D while others I was like whoa fella calm down XD
Basically, quite a few scenes flow well with the actions on screen and then others are rather jarring and seem a bit out of place with the overall pace. However, I must praise this film since it took risks and experimented with a style of its own and in my opinion it paid off for the most part and it does not over stay its welcome due to its rather shorter length so I would say it is worth a watch! :)
SwornShadow's rating:

Murder Princess (2007)
First Watched 2/28/2018
A nice little anime with a neat concept of body swapping the voice actors seem to be having a lot of fun with it but this is the type of anime that seems to lean more towards the Saturday morning cartoon vibe but with BLOOD and VIOLENCE!!!
Thus, I am glad I gave it a watch I enjoyed the animation and facial expressions throughout and it had enough stuff to keep me entertained ^-^
A nice little anime with a neat concept of body swapping the voice actors seem to be having a lot of fun with it but this is the type of anime that seems to lean more towards the Saturday morning cartoon vibe but with BLOOD and VIOLENCE!!!
Thus, I am glad I gave it a watch I enjoyed the animation and facial expressions throughout and it had enough stuff to keep me entertained ^-^
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/28/2018
While it doesn't reach the sweet 80s action fist raising mech fighting and emotion roller coaster ride of the first it does have some nice things going for it. While I enjoy the art style and animation of this anime I still prefer the gritty 80s style from the original so it might be hard to believe these two series exist in the same universe XD
But, our leads are enjoyable and aren't just rehashes of the original dynamic duo but have their own emotions, obstacles to overcome, and weaknesses to fight against! There are still some great action sequences but the risk factor seems to be more on a smaller inner turmoil scale then universe ending stakes like the first but it is effective given our character's conflicts.
However, by far the greatest strength of this series is as it progresses despite a slower start it builds and only gets better and the ending links things so well to the first series that it was truly moving and tear jerking :')
While it doesn't reach the sweet 80s action fist raising mech fighting and emotion roller coaster ride of the first it does have some nice things going for it. While I enjoy the art style and animation of this anime I still prefer the gritty 80s style from the original so it might be hard to believe these two series exist in the same universe XD
But, our leads are enjoyable and aren't just rehashes of the original dynamic duo but have their own emotions, obstacles to overcome, and weaknesses to fight against! There are still some great action sequences but the risk factor seems to be more on a smaller inner turmoil scale then universe ending stakes like the first but it is effective given our character's conflicts.
However, by far the greatest strength of this series is as it progresses despite a slower start it builds and only gets better and the ending links things so well to the first series that it was truly moving and tear jerking :')
SwornShadow's rating:

First Watched 2/28/2018
Visually and creatively this film is very impressive and stunning however, you will probably need a guide to read through once it is done because I for the life of me was genuinely lost throughout this film wondering what is going on!
I mean I was able to gather what was going on to an extent and I am a fan of visual story telling as opposed to exposition filled lines but man I feel like several lines could have been edited to at least provide a little bit of context because seriously the style seemed to over take the substance and the lines characters were given seemed more chaotic then necessary.
However, tell visual and creative aspects of this film like I said are top notch it is like seeing someone's imagination pouring out onto the screen and breathing along with you as you watch it. You really get the sense of passion from that aspect of the film. It is a shame if they had revised some lines and told the story and motivations of our characters clearer then I believe the final product would have been that much better. But, as it is it certainly is an interesting watch to say the least!
Visually and creatively this film is very impressive and stunning however, you will probably need a guide to read through once it is done because I for the life of me was genuinely lost throughout this film wondering what is going on!
I mean I was able to gather what was going on to an extent and I am a fan of visual story telling as opposed to exposition filled lines but man I feel like several lines could have been edited to at least provide a little bit of context because seriously the style seemed to over take the substance and the lines characters were given seemed more chaotic then necessary.
However, tell visual and creative aspects of this film like I said are top notch it is like seeing someone's imagination pouring out onto the screen and breathing along with you as you watch it. You really get the sense of passion from that aspect of the film. It is a shame if they had revised some lines and told the story and motivations of our characters clearer then I believe the final product would have been that much better. But, as it is it certainly is an interesting watch to say the least!
SwornShadow's rating:

I LIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!! -Mushu from Mulan (1998)
Sorry guys if I have seemed distant just have had a lot on my plate school, work, moving, the family and I did promise to write my thoughts down on each film before making them public and wouldn't you know I am a really really really slow writer too XD watching films in the down time I have is easy and relaxing but finding the words to describe how each made me feel and how they resonated with me is a bit harder at least for me XP but thank you guys for your patience and understanding in all of this and for taking the time to hear my thoughts and opinions whether we agree, disagree, or are half/half on a past time I love: films ^-^ hopefully I can finish the rest at a good pace I will aim to do my best!
Sorry guys if I have seemed distant just have had a lot on my plate school, work, moving, the family and I did promise to write my thoughts down on each film before making them public and wouldn't you know I am a really really really slow writer too XD watching films in the down time I have is easy and relaxing but finding the words to describe how each made me feel and how they resonated with me is a bit harder at least for me XP but thank you guys for your patience and understanding in all of this and for taking the time to hear my thoughts and opinions whether we agree, disagree, or are half/half on a past time I love: films ^-^ hopefully I can finish the rest at a good pace I will aim to do my best!
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(280 lists)list by Triggerhappy6
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